We believe in the Eternal Triune God, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit (John 1:1, John 10:30-33, Acts 13:2)

We believe “God the Son” is Jesus Christ who died on a cross for our sins, was buried and rose again on the third day (Colossians 2:9, II Corinthians 5:21, Matthew 12:40)

We believe God’s free gift of Salvation and entrance in His Eternal Kingdom is based solely on one’s faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ also being the only door by which one enters God’s Kingdom (Romans 15:1-2, Romans 6:23, John 14:6)

We believe the Bible to be God’s Word and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. (II Timothy 3:16-17)

We believe that when life, as we know it, ends here on Earth all of mankind will have an eternal home. Those who are Justified by their faith in Jesus Christ, Heaven and those who are not, eternal separation from God. (Revelation 20:15).


Bonnie Hilton

Administrative Assistant

Volunteer Coordinator


Wally Decker

General Manager

Morning Show


Kurt Myers

Mid-Day Host

Local Flavors Director

Public Service Coordinator


Dennis Breeden

Afternoon Host


John Hill

Evening Host

Technical Director


Lana Hedgecock

Sunday Afternoon Host

Tracy Webb

Sunday Evening Host

Verne Hill

Morning Show/News Director/Sunday@5 Host


WBFJ Privacy

The WBFJ website is not to be copied or used in any form without the written permission of our webmaster. All information, images, and content of this ministry are reserved and International copyright secured. All internet links to this site are used with permission of link used. Any copy of HTML, dynamic HTML, Javascript, Java, and Flash 5 can not be reproduced. For more information, contact jeff@wbfj.org. If you would like to link to wbfj or use any of its content, you can write us and we will send you a html tag to be placed on your website.

Nothing. We do not track IP addresses to the site. For one thing, it’s expensive, and secondly we don’t want to invade your privacy. If you would like to let us know how you feel about this site and what you would like to see more of, use our webmaster and comment forms. We depend on the comments you send to direct us on the kind of online information you would like to see.

All information is sent directly to the WBFJ offices or to the specific person you are contacting (example,Kurt Myers info goes to Kurt Myers). Email addresses are used to send you information that you requested. Personal information is used for the specific item or event you specify.  We never sell, rent, or loan our email lists to outside firms. WBFJ is a Spam Free website. We never send unsolicited email.

WBFJ Online Privacy Policy

WBFJ holds the privacy and security of our site visitors and members in the highest regard.  The following information explains what kind of information is gathered on our site and how that information is used. No Spam.
Cookies are only used for our Poll Question. This is the only way to prevent people from voting more than once. This information is not stored on our server or any database. No kidding! The Webmaster can be reached at jeff@wbfj.org. We can be reached via email at live@wbfj.fm, postal mail at 1249 Trade St., Winston-Salem, NC 27101, or you can contact us by telephone at (336) 721-1560. Please bring to our attention any instance where you feel your privacy or security has been violated.

EEO Public File Report

This EEO Report is filed in Station WBFJ-FM’s public inspection file in accordance with Section 73.2080(c)(6) of the Federal Communications Commission rules.

During the one year period ending on July 31, 2024, the station filled no full-time vacancies.

Wally Decker
General Manager




As a Christian station WBFJ desires to glorify God in everything we do and say. Because of your financial support we are able to create family friendly radio that will build up and unify the body of Christ on a daily basis.

Yes we are. Like all radio stations (excluding satellite radio) we are free to all listeners. While that is true, we still need money in order to bring you your favorite music and programming. But, unlike many radio station we are commercial free. That means that rather than having to fill up 10-15 minutes of each hour with commercials we are free to play more music. All because of your financial support of WBFJ.

Each time Sharathon comes around we send out our monthly letter inviting all our current supporters to reinstate their pledge for this year. If you did not receive that letter we would love to hear from you. You can either call our office (336-721-1560) or fill out our online form by clicking here.

We would always love to talk with you in person during our Sharathon, but if you are unable to or would rather do it online we have made it as easy as possible. Simply go to our website (www.wbfj.fm) and click on the Sharathon button. Or click here to go directly to the form.

We want to make it as easy as possible for all our supporters. If you don’t want to have to deal with writing a check each month all you have to do is sign up for our AFT (automatic funds transfer). This will allow you to have your gift deducted automatically each month without having to mail a check. If you are interested you can download the form here.

Pray. It is by the grace of God that this ministry exists and because of that we continue to rely on Him. Your prayers are a very important part of WBFJ’s ministry to build up believers and to reach those who may not know Christ as savior. Another way you can help is by volunteering. We love our volunteers and whether it’s concerts, the Dixie Classic Fair or Sharathon we could not function without the help of volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering at WBFJ, click here.