Home Wednesday Word

Wednesday Word

People-Watching on the Family Beaches of North Carolina:  The kids, the moms, dads, grandparents and extended families.  They all gather for a sandy reunion of relaxation.  In some ways, they […]

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Wednesday Word

I recently had the privilege of spending a week “On Mission” without ever leaving Winston-Salem.  This unique opportunity sequestered our group away from home, church, work and the things that […]

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Wednesday Word

Repeat Performance. My week to write the Wednesday Word.  It was tempting to pull something out of the deep archives and pray that nobody notices.  Do you ever wonder how […]

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Wednesday Word

I recently made an ardent attempt to “safely” kill a certain portion of grass in my yard.  This was to create a natural area that would be home to its’ […]

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Wednesday Word

FEAR NOT – we are told that in the English Bible the phrase appears exactly 365 times.  Simple math calculates that as once daily – a constant reminder that as […]

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Wednesday Word

This is not your average Valentines message.  No flowers. No Chocolates. No Balloons.  No Sentimentality.  No History Lesson.  No Cupid. It’s ironic that today is also Ash Wednesday and the […]

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Wednesday Word

One morning last week, I took the time to make a pre-dawn visit to a local fast food drive-thru.  As I made my way across the empty parking lot, I […]

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Wednesday Word

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day.  I love Thanksgiving – always have. On the other side of such festivities come those days that have affectionately become known as “Black Friday”, “Small Business […]

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Wednesday Word

40 years ago … today.  A young, over-confident, cocky college freshman walked into the WBFJ offices.  He had a few years of radio experience under his belt but was relocating […]

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WBFJ Wednesday Word

Goodbye Whip O Will Way! In a few weeks, the house that my parents have called home for 23 years will no longer be a part of the family.  That […]

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The WBFJ Wednesday Word is a weekly email written by the WBFJ Staff. It’s short, simple, encouraging and provides a look behind the microphone to the heart of this ministry and the people that help make it happen.

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