Wednesday Word
FEAR NOT – we are told that in the English Bible the phrase appears exactly 365 times. Simple math calculates that as once daily – a constant reminder that as Children of God we need not be afraid. But wait. Tomorrow is Leap Day. This year has an extra day: 366. I don’t have a “fear not” verse for an extra day. Can I copy & paste one from another day? Can I assume that the overflow will be sufficient enough to cover the next 24 hours? Or am I to revert back to that anxious trepidation where I once dwelt? It’s a simple step back – probably not even a full step for many.
FEAR NOT – the songs run deep; the Scriptures run deeper. Our decision to step from fear is more than a calculated risk. It is a heart choice to completely trust and rely on the One who discourages such behavior. My desire to choose fear stems from a deeper concern that God cannot, does not, will not. Of course, this is an unfounded state of affairs that is developed of my own choosing. Following His plan and not my own gives credence to the FEAR NOT days of life. Those days when the path may lead through the dark valleys, where I find hope and peace in the presence of my Shepherd.
FEAR NOT – God’s personal call to trust; to receive His perfect love. Today and even tomorrow. A Leap of Faith? Perhaps. God’s got this. God’s got us. Fear Not!
- Wally