Tuesday News
12 ‘sleeps’ before Christmas. 18 days left in 2022.
*The Triad is bracing for heavy rainfall late Wednesday into Thursday with the potential for flash flooding. A massive coast-to-coast storm continues to move East. From blizzard warnings in the Midwest to tornado watches and heavy rainfall in Texas and Louisiana, much of the nation will experience some ‘wild weather’ over the next several days. https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/13/weather/nationwide-winter-storm-blizzard-tuesday/index.html
‘Career Expos’ and ‘Job Fairs’ planned across the Triad. https://www.ncworks.gov/
TODAY (Dec13) til 1pm: ‘NC Works Guilford’ on Idol Street in High Point
Wednesday, Dec.14 from 10am – 2pm
Kaleidium North on Hanes Mill Road, Winston Salem
Thursday, Dec. 15 from 9 – 2pm
Goodwill location on University Parkway, Winston Salem
RECALL: Subaru recalling 270,000 SUVs due to fire risk
The company is advising owners of some 2019 to 2022 model-year Subaru Ascent SUVs to park them outside, away from garages or other structures, and not to leave the vehicles unattended with the engine running. An electrical grounding bolt connected to the SUVs cabin heating system may have been improperly fastened.
Subaru will contact owners by mail within the next 60 days. In the meantime, owners can contact Subaru or go to the NHTSA recall website and enter your 7-digit vehicle identification (or VIN) number to see if a recall has been issued for your vehicle. https://www.wxii12.com/article/recall-subaru-ascent-suv-fire-risk/42220675
For the first time, US scientists have successfully produced a nuclear fusion reaction resulting in a net energy gain. The discovery would be a massive step in a decades long quest for a new form of clean energy that could eventually power your house and help end dependence on fossil fuels.
Health officials strongly encourage people to stay home when sick.
Continue ‘healthy hygiene’ such as hand washing and covering your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing. Also, experts recommend getting vaccinated against flu and COVID – to best protect against illness heading into the holiday season.
*Vaccines protect against severe cases of Covid-19 and Flu.
Local shot sites: https://covid19.ncdhhs.gov/
5000 Blankets is playing in select theaters one more day (Dec 13).
The Christian film 5000 Blankets shines a realistic light on the epidemic of mental illness and homelessness. The film details how the real-life non-profit organization Phillip’s Wish came to be. The organization still works to provide blankets, hats, scarves, gloves, sleeping bags and much more to people who are homeless. 5000 Blankets tells us that blankets aren’t going to solve everything, but that they can be the beginning of change. https://www.pluggedin.com/movie-reviews/5000-blankets-2022/
*Find a Triad location for Tuesday night here: www.fathomevents.com/events/5000-Blankets
Praise = Many stations selling gas well below $3 dollars a gallon.
AAA: In North Carolina, the average for regular unleaded is $3.04 a gallon.
Perhaps no flower represents the winter holidays like the Poinsettia.
Tips: Poinsettias are tropical plants. They need lots of sunlight. No drafts…
Make sure to water your poinsettia whenever the surface of the soil feels dry. Give the plant a good watering, but don’t flood or soak it
How to Prevent Leaf Loss…
Ask yourself these questions: Is the plant resting against a cold window or near a draft? Is it too warm or dry in the room? Is the plant thirsty?
Look up (weather permitting)…
The Ursid meteor shower is happening through Dec 24, with the best viewing time right before dawn in the northern to northeastern sky. Peak will be next Thursday, Dec 22.
Generally, the Ursids offer as many as five to 10 meteors per hour in a dark sky with no moon. In rare instances, bursts of 100 or more meteors per hour have been observed at times. If you want to try watching: Choose a location away from bright, city lights during the early morning hours before sunrise. Dress warmly! https://earthsky.org/astronomy-essentials/ursid-meteor-shower-active-around-winter-solstice/
Sleep is important.
The National Sleep Foundation recommends that older adults get seven to eight hours of quality sleep each night. A lack of quality sleep can lead to physical health disorders such as higher blood pressure, increased stress and imbalances in blood sugar levels. Poor quality of sleep can also adversely affect mental health, potentially presenting as loss of concentration, dizziness, increased confusion and memory loss.
Research shows that making a few lifestyle changes can help improve sleep quality.
Some simple tips…
Stay away from caffeine in the afternoons.
Try to avoid eating large meals right before bedtime.
Cutting off electronic devices such as phones and tablets 30 minutes before bedtime is an effective way to get a restful night of quality sleep.
If lack of sleep is consistent and continues to be a concern, contact your physician to help determine if there is a more serious medical concern.
Winter Weather Preparedness
Vehicle: Check your tires. Make sure they are properly inflated.
If your car battery is close to 3 years old, have it checked, even replaced.
Home: Never leave portable heaters unattended.
Keep portable heaters at least 3 feet away from furniture and drapes.
More information: News Blog at wbfj.fm