Wednesday News for December 13, 2023
8 days till WINTER (Dec 21). Less than 2 weeks till Christmas day…
American Red Cross: Local Blood drives…
Novant Health Rehab on Hillcrest Center Circle (WS)…Now through 3:30pm
Mt. Tabor United Church of Christ (Holly Grove Road, Lexington) 2:30 – 7pm
Davis-Townsend Elementary in Lexington = 3pm – 7:30pm
Wesley Memorial UMC in High Point…Now till 7pm
Lutheran Church of Our Father (Groometown Road, Greensboro) 2pm-6:30pm
Mt. Carmel Friends Church in East Bend = 1pm – 5:30pm
Randolph Senior Adults Association in Asheboro = NOW through 3pm
*Schedule your blood donation appointment TODAY at https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/
Look up…to see the ‘best meteor shower of the year’?
The Geminid (JIM-uh-NID) Meteor Shower is ‘lighting’ up the night sky this week.
Viewing Tips
Find a dark place. The darker sky you’re able to find, the better.
Meteors can be seen all over the sky, just look toward the darkest part of the sky.
Be patient: It takes your eyes time to adjust to the night sky.
Meteors aren’t spaced out evenly either, they can happen in bursts.
Later in the night is better: Just before midnight thru pre-dawn.
FREE Holiday Movies? Lexington Cinema offering FREE holiday movies each Tuesday and Wednesday through December 20. Movies begin at 7pm…
TONIGHT (DEC 13): “Miracle on 34th Street”.
Next week: “It’s a Wonderful Life” on Tuesday (DEC 19)
“The Polar Express” on Wednesday (Dec. 20). www.the-dispatch.com/news/business/whats-happening
In the ‘spirit of Christmas’…
Stokes Concrete & Construction Works has purchased all remaining Christmas Trees from the Food Lion in King (at the crossroads off Hwy 66). Around 65 trees were still on-site as of Tuesday night. These ‘free’ trees are for families and individuals (in need) that truly can’t afford a tree this Christmas. *One per family please.
“This Community has blessed us dearly and we are hoping to give back a little to where it’s needed. Merry Christmas” -Stokes Concrete Construction.
*In Loving Memory of our client Robert Miller
2 days left to vote in the annual Salemtowne Non-Profit Christmas Tree Contest.
Some of the non-profits participating include Salem Pregnancy, City Lights Ministry, Sunnyside Ministry, the Winston-Salem Street School and HOPE of Winston-Salem…
You can vote one time each day thru this Thursday (DEC 14).
Link https://form.jotform.com/232366461876162.
The winner, to be announced on Friday (DEC 15), will win $1,000 dollars
“Doing the Most Good” (in the neighborhood)
Salvation Army: Bell ringers are needed NOW through December 24.
Register to Ring today: https://www.registertoring.com/
Check out additional volunteer opportunities at www.SalvationArmyWS.org
Extra security is now in place after a Nazi swastika was graffitied onto a Holocaust memorial in LeBauer Park in Greensboro last weekend according to the Greensboro Jewish nonprofit group ‘Women of the Shoah’ (pronounced SHOW-uh).
The monument has since been cleaned. The incident is still under investigation…
BTW: The monument is titled “She Wouldn’t Take Off Her Boots”, inspired from a WWII photograph taken by Nazi soldiers of four women and a girl defiantly staring into a camera moments before they were executed.
You may have unclaimed money (or property) sitting in Raleigh?
Maybe a business or other entity owes YOU money (like a refund or rebate).
Maybe you moved. And they can’t locate you. That money ends up in Raleigh until they track you down. Why not go to nccash.com… https://www.nccash.com/
*As of Dec. 5, the NC State Treasurer’s office reporting that it has about $1.09 billion dollars in ‘unclaimed (cash and) property. https://unclaimed.nccash.com/app/claim-search
ACA: Open Enrollment for Healthcare continues through DEC 15.
‘Healthcare’ plans are available through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace through this Friday for coverage starting Jan 1, 2024. Details: https://www.healthcare.gov/
*NC Navigator Consortium (con-SORE-shem) is available to help. https://ncnavigator.net/
“True Christmas might be “slowing down enough to let the pain of the world all the way into our hearts, allowing our hearts to break open, and acting from that broken-open space. It means stepping up with humility, with curiosity, with love.”
-quote from author, Mirabai Starr (Thank you John R Bost on Facebook)