Wednesday Word
Are you chasing the sunset? Christmas time often brings out sermons about ‘light’. Christmas celebrates the coming of THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. Sunday, Pastor’s sermon was like that. We are reminded from scripture that men love darkness because their deeds are evil and Jesus is indeed the Light of the world…in Him is no darkness.
Pastor’s sermon and the story he told is my inspiration as I veer off in a slightlty different direction.I remember back in 1972 the light from reading the Word in the presence of the Holy Spirit was almost blinding at times. Coming out of blinding darkness I could only receive so much brightness at a time without being blinded by the light.
Pastor Corts reminded us of this in evangelism class many years ago. Don’t hit a non-believer or new believer with a search light when about all they can tolerate is a candle. If you have ever been in total darkness and suddenly walk out into bright sunshine, you know what he is talking about.
Now that I am older, I can handle the brighter light but often seek out the dimmer light that is easy on my spiritual vision. I sometimes find myself chasing the sunset and sleeping through the dawn. Light from the sunset is very soothing and you can see for awhile until the sun sets over the horizon. It happens so quickly but so gradually you hardly notice at the moment. Ponder that.
Seeking light is always a good thing but sometimes the Lord has us change our plan and our direction. Instead of running after the fleeing sunset we are often led into the opposite direction, back through the darkness of night to a fresh sunrise and a brand new day. The brief time through the night is often very painful but the sunrise leads into a new day with fresh light and fresh Manna.
And the light of a new day lasts much longer than a sunset. Light up! It’s Christmas time!
Merry Christmas!
Papa John