Home Fairytale Farm wants better clarify from city

Fairytale Farm wants better clarify from city

On Wednesday, attorneys for Fairytale Farm filed a lawsuit against the city of Winston-Salem asking the courts to declare the zoning restrictions against the animal sanctuary unconstitutional.

Attorneys say the owners of Fairytale Farm (a small 3-acre farm) are not asking for money, they just want to be allowed to hold their events and are asking the city of Winston-Salem to better clarify their ordinances, in writing.

In January, the city forced the Fairytale Farm to stop hosting events and fundraisers at the farm, claiming they were violating zoning ordinances.

Attorneys for the farm say the zoning ordinances are infringing on owners’ rights.

BTW: One of the farm’s most recognized residents is a young goat, named Archie. Archie was born in December with his back legs fused. He has been outfitted with a “wheelchair” that allows him to move around the farm on his own. 



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