S@5: Blood donors AND bakers NEEDED?
This week on Sunday@5, our public affairs program on WBFJ…
Fact: Blood donation goes down during the summer vacation months. But the need for blood remains! *Schedule your appointment today thru this special link tinyurl.com/WBFJ-Blood-Donor
Verne (WBFJ Radio) chats with Wes Haynes local rep with the American Red Cross about the urgent need for blood donors across the Piedmont Triad. Wes will discuss some of the requirements to give. Using Rapid Pass to answer all of those important questions before you donate. The donation process explained step-by-step. And a big take-away, get the American Red Cross ‘blood app’.
Listen now…
WBFJ and the American Red Cross are teaming up for a week long ‘virtual’ blood drive this Monday – Friday, August 21-25, 2023.
*Schedule your appointment today thru this special link
Wes Haynes is District Manager, Donor Recruitment with the American Red Cross, Greater Carolinas Blood Services Region
What goes into making a ‘Heavenly Cake’?
Steve Rogers, director of special foods, at the Carolina Classic Fair in Winston-Salem, shared his fair food wisdom with Verne and Wally (WBFJ Morning Show) while encouraging our listeners to sign up for ‘Food Contests’ at this year’s Carolina Classic – especially the ‘WBFJ Heavenly Cake Contest’.
Listen now…
Have you considered entering the ‘WBFJ Heavenly Cake Contest’??
Entry deadline is September 1, 2023! There are two divisions: Adult division + Youth division (age 7-17). CLICK HERE TO ENTER: carolinaclassicfair.fairentry.com/Fair/Sig…In/18684
*The Carolina Classic Fair runs September 29 – October 08, 2023
The ‘WBFJ Heavenly Cake Contest’ is set for Saturday evening, October 07, 2023. carolinaclassicfair.com/
*As heard on Sunday @ 5 on WBFJ (August 20, 2023)