Home S@5: ‘Risen with Christ’ with Carter Conlon

S@5: ‘Risen with Christ’ with Carter Conlon

‘If You Are Risen with Christ’ Easter radio special from Carter Conlon, writer, speaker, pastor. Best known as the senior pastor of Times Square Church in New York City.

Consider the resurrection…

“If I’ve been raised from the dead by the Spirit of God, as the Bible says I am, what is my life supposed to look like?

How does God manifest His glory through a risen life in Him?

You might be surprised and pleased to find out what that really looks like.

There’s a treasure of this topic revealed in scripture that will cause you to shout for joy…”

Listen now:  https://www.carterconlon.com/radio-specials/to-be-risen-with-christ

*An Easter radio special from Ambassador as heard on Sunday @ 5 on WBFJ (April 9, 2023) 



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