Tips: Keeping safe in Extreme Heat and humidity
Above normal temperatures will continue across the Triad through mid-week. Expect temperatures at 90 degrees or above through Wednesday – with that heat index closer to 100 (feel like temp) during the afternoons. The hot weather can increase the risk of heat related illnesses.
Record breaking heat. Raleigh hit 106 degrees last Friday, breaking a previous record, according to the National Weather Service. *California’s Death Valley National Park hit 129° over the weekend, breaking the daily record of 127°F set back in July 2007. Tens of millions of people across the US are now under heat alerts as authorities brace for more dangerous heat this week. CNN
Keeping you and your family safe this summer!
#1 = Stay hydrated. Drinking water is the most important thing you should do during hot weather to avoid dehydration.
Limit outdoor activities during the hottest part of the day.
Wear loose, lightweight, light-colored clothing.
Check on family members, older adults and neighbors.
Remember your outdoor pets. Make sure they have plenty of cool water and access to comfortable shade. Additional Summer Safety Tips: https://www.ready.gov/heat
Protect your skin while outside this summer. Apply sunscreen 15 to 30 minutes BEFORE you go outside. *Re-apply every two hours.
Easy steps to help lower your energy bill (Duke Energy)
Set your thermostat to the highest comfortable setting or install a smart thermostat.
Change air filters regularly.
Operate ceiling fans in a counterclockwise direction in the summer.
Close curtains and blinds. Keeping the sun out can help keep your house cooler.
Do you know the difference between Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke.?
Signs of heat exhaustion can include nausea, fatigue, dizziness, weakness or rapid pulse. Someone suffering from heat exhaustion can recover by resting in the shade and drinking cool fluids.
Signs of heat stroke can include seizures, agitation, confusion, slurred speech or loss of consciousness, although an altered mental status is the main sign. When someone is suffering from heat stroke, you should immediately call 911 and immerse the person in or douse them with cold water. https://newsroom.wakehealth.edu/News-Releases/2021/05/Tips-from-Wilderness-Medicine-Experts-on-Staying-Safe-Outdoors