100 things to Do in Winston-Salem with Tina Firesheets
Winston-Salem distinguishes itself as the ‘City of Arts and Innovation’. Sometimes the most fun trips just happen to be ‘daytrips’, exploring local cities and towns!
Verne (WBFJ) chats with local author Tina Firesheets about her fun, resource book ‘100 Things to Do in Winston-Salem Before You Die”. Listen now…
Some of the suggested things to do in Winston-Salem include…
Watch a Film under the Stars at Reynolda
Cheer for the Disco Turkeys
Get Loud at the Madhouse
Stand at the Site of the Nation’s First Fourth of July Celebration (Old Salem)
Score Some World-Class Tennis
Tina is having a book signing event at Scuppernong Books in Greensboro on Sunday, July 16 (2-3pm) Tina Firesheets has been a writer and editor in the Piedmont Triad area since the late ’90s.
*As heard on Sunday @ 5 on WBFJ (July 2, 2023)