Wednesday Word
If you are on a long trip with a friend or stranger and need a conversation starter, just bring up the subject of dreams. Since everyone dreams, every night, you should have plenty to talk about.
I don’t always remember my dreams but many have been memorable along the way. Some have been nightmares. Most have just been “crazy stuff”.
I recently dreamed about the Jetsons who came along after my time. I dreamed one of the parents was at the table complaining, “I can’t even afford jet fuel and bread.” That one literally woke me up laughing outloud and wondering, “Where did that one come from?”
I don’t understand all the method and mystery of dreams but obviously our brain collects many small bits of thought in our inner man and tries to connect them into a story during our sleep. Our eyes even follow the story!
Many years ago, Daddy told me about a dream he had in one of his darkest days. He was very discouraged by one problem after another and just could not get a break.
In his dream, it was a clear day. He was driving down the road. And the road was very straight and he could see for miles and miles, nothing in the way.
Daddy said, when he woke up, he felt a sense of peace. He felt the Heavenly Father had sent him encouragement that he desperately needed. And his circumstances did begin to ease up after that day.
We all know of dreams in Bible times. But in the past 10 years, I have also heard of several incidents where Jesus appeared to Muslims in dreams and they later begin to follow Him.
I was wondering about your thoughts on this subject of dreams. Feel free to share your craziest dream, your life changing dream or just any comment on the subject. Email john@wbfj.fm
And just for the record, jet fuel is at an all time low, if you can find any locally for off road use.
Papa John
P.S. Do your dogs bark and try to run while they are dreaming about squirrels? Do squirrels dream about raiding bird feeders. Just an after thought.