Home Friday News: Nov 18, 2022

Friday News: Nov 18, 2022

Less than a week til Thanksgiving    If you are a fan of the popular faith-based series “The Chosen”… The first two episodes of Season 3 of The Chosen are […]

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Barna: 3 reasons why pastors want to leaving the pulpit

Partisan politics is driving a wedge into America, including the church. Polls reveal that ‘polarizing partisan politics’ is among the top three reasons pastors want to ‘walk away from ministry’. […]

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Thursday News: Nov 17, 2022

One-week til Thanksgiving Day   Feeding those in need with an attitude of gratitude.       Whole Man Ministries will be giving out 350 Thanksgiving meals this Saturday (Nov 19) […]

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Mike Pence: “I still pray for the president”

“And I pray for the grace to forgive him and all those responsible for that tragic day (referencing Jan 6 2021).”   – Former Vice President Mike Pence   During a Town […]

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Wednesday Word

Yay, A Thanksgiving Song!! It seems every year after Halloween, the Christmas season is thrust on us, by-passing Thanksgiving altogether. Did you know there is a Thanksgiving song? That’s right, “Jingle […]

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Wednesday News: Nov 16, 2022

8 days til Thanksgiving.  AAA: More than 54 million people in the US are expected to travel over the Thanksgiving holiday period. Note: If you have a flight booked in […]

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New: Kids 12 and under advised to NOT visit hospital patients

Children 12 and under are asked to NOT visit patients who are hospitalized.  *These restrictions begin this Wednesday morning (Nov 16, 2022) at 7am. Out of concern for the health […]

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AAA: Prepping for ‘COLD’ weather

AAA: Prepping for ‘COLD’ weather Wear extra layers of clothing when going outside in cold weather.   Don’t forget your hat and gloves (ear muffs, masks to keep the cold air […]

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Caregivers Wellbeing, local support group

Caregivers Wellbeing is a FREE support group for both men and women who are caring for a loved one with any of the dementias, including Alzheimer’s.  The group meets in-person on […]

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The WBFJ Wednesday Word is a weekly email written by the WBFJ Staff. It’s short, simple, encouraging and provides a look behind the microphone to the heart of this ministry and the people that help make it happen.

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