Friday News: Nov 18, 2022
Less than a week til Thanksgiving
If you are a fan of the popular faith-based series “The Chosen”…
The first two episodes of Season 3 of The Chosen are being shown in theaters.
This will be a limited run – today (Nov 18) through this Tuesday (Nov 22) .
Ticket info: https://www.fathomevents.com/events/The-Chosen-Season-3-Episode-1-2
With record-high inflation, one in four Americans say they’re ‘skipping Thanksgiving’ because they can’t afford the holiday meal this year.
Feeding those in need with an attitude of gratitude.
Whole Man Ministries will be giving out 350 Thanksgiving meals this Saturday (Nov 19) from 10am til 1pm. That’s a turkey and fixins’ to those in need.
Whole Man Ministries is located at 3916 Old Lexington Road in Winston-Salem.
Donations accepted. Details: www.facebook.com/wholemanministries/photos
Historic? A serious pre-winter storm is bearing down on western New York state, set to bring lots of snow (estimates of more than 4 feet of snow) and temperatures 20 degrees below normal. A state of emergency has been declared in 11 counties and commercial traffic has been banned since Thursday afternoon on about 130 miles of New York’s I-90 freeway. The storm’s most intense snow is expected to blanket the Buffalo, New York, area.
What is lake effect snow?
Lake-effect snow occurs when cold air blows across an unfrozen lake that is relatively warm, heating the cold air from below and creating heavy snow showers over a small area… https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/nov/18/weather-tracker-great-lakes-region-of-us-hit-by-lake-effect-snow.
North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein is investigating Ticketmaster after the distributing company cancelled the general sale for Taylor Swift tickets on Thursday.
Taylor Swift sold a record-breaking 2 million concert tickets in one day – the most tickets for an artist in a single day – causing a near meltdown of its website.
Swap your worn hoodie for a new Champion hoodie.
Just bring your old hoodie (non-Champion brand) to a Champion brand store nationwide including the Champion outlet at Thruway Shopping Center in Winston-Salem this Saturday (Nov 19) from 11am – 2pm while supplies last. Limit one swap per customer.
Champion will donate your old hoodie to Refried Apparel, a sustainable lifestyle brand that will turn the hoodie materials into new, unique, handcrafted garments.
Every 4 seconds someone is diagnosed with dementia.
Even more shocking: 40% of caregivers will ‘pass away’ before the person they are caring for. Biggest factor…stress. November is National Family Caregivers month
*Learn more about a local support group called ‘Caregivers Wellbeing’ facilitated by Dr Ann Hiatt on the News Blog. Dr Ann Hiatt will encourage ‘caregivers’ this week on Sunday @ 5 on WBFJ!!
Reminder: Area Hospitals are ‘asking’ that children 12 and under NOT visit patients who are in the hospital (due to the surge in respiratory viruses such as RSV and flu among young children).
Hospitals include: Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist, Novant Health, Cone Health.
*Children seeking treatment at area hospitals are not subject to the restriction.
Masks are still required for visitors.
Health officials strongly encourage people to stay home when sick.
Continue ‘healthy hygiene’ such as hand washing and covering your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing. Also, experts recommend getting vaccinated against flu and COVID – to best protect against illness heading into the holiday season.
Source: Press Release
*Vaccines protect against severe cases of Covid-19 and Flu.
Local shot sites: https://covid19.ncdhhs.gov/
Need a stress-free Thanksgiving in the kitchen?
Cook it ahead of time. Freeze your feast. Every dish freezes beautifully, from turkey to green bean casserole to pie. Check out the News Blog for a link to the ultimate make-ahead Thanksgiving meal from the Food Network.
High School Football Play-offs (Third Round)
Still playing Friday night (Nov 18)…
East Forsyth, Ledford, East Surry, Thomasville and Mt Airy.
College Football
Wake Forest hosting Syracuse. Final home game for the Deacs…
Kick off at 8pm on Saturday. www.godeacs.com
UNC hosting Georgia Tech (5:30pm)
Both Duke and NC State play on the road on Saturday…
*App State hosting Old Dominion in Boone on Saturday ( 2:30pm)