Monday News
Less than 2 weeks away from Christmas. 19 days left in 2022.
Celebrating the season of Advent.
This past Sunday (Dec 11), we lit the THIRD candle of Advent = ‘JOY’
In the English Standard Version of the Bible, the words “joy,” “rejoice,” or “joyful” appear over 400 times, compared with “happy” or “happiness,” which appear only ten times. Joy is lasting, and it satisfies the heart in a unique and marvelous way. https://openthebible.org/article/21-bible-verses-about-joy/.
Biblical joy comes from the Lord. It is a perpetual gladness of the heart that comes from knowing, experiencing, and trusting Jesus. Moreover, biblical joy is not based on our possessions or circumstances. Today, we choose JOY!
NOTE: The word “Advent” is derived from the Latin word adventus, meaning ‘coming’.
Remembering the birth of Jesus and anticipating the eventual second coming of Christ for his church. Embracing Hope, Love, Joy and Peace during Advent, and beyond.
Perhaps no flower represents the winter holidays like the Poinsettia.
Tips: Poinsettias are tropical plants. They need lots of sunlight. No drafts…
Make sure to water your poinsettia whenever the surface of the soil feels dry. Give the plant a good watering, but don’t flood or soak it
How to Prevent Leaf Loss…
Ask yourself these questions: Is the plant resting against a cold window or near a draft? Is it too warm or dry in the room? Is the plant thirsty?
Praise = Many stations selling gas well below $3 dollars a gallon.
AAA: In North Carolina, the average for regular unleaded is $3.04 a gallon.
Bitty and Beau’s Coffee is now open at 411 W. Fourth St. in Winston-Salem.
Started in Wilmington, Bitty and Beau’s is a coffee shop that employs people with ‘different-abilities’. https://journalnow.com/entertainment/dining/the-popular-coffee-chain-bitty-and-beaus-has-opened-in-winston-salem-and-most-of/article
‘Career Expos’ and ‘Job Fairs’ planned across the Triad. https://www.ncworks.gov/
Tuesday, Dec.13 from 10am – 1pm
‘NC Works Guilford’ on Idol Street in High Point
Wednesday, Dec.14 from 10am – 2pm
Kaleidium North on Hanes Mill Road, Winston Salem
Thursday, Dec. 15 from 9 – 2pm
Goodwill location on University Parkway, Winston Salem
High School Football State champs = Mount Airy ‘Granite Bears’
Mount Airy defeated Tarboro (20-7) on Saturday, their first 1A title since 2008.
This is the ‘Granite Bears’ eighth state title in school history…
Health officials strongly encourage people to stay home when sick.
Continue ‘healthy hygiene’ such as hand washing and covering your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing. Also, experts recommend getting vaccinated against flu and COVID – to best protect against illness heading into the holiday season.
*Vaccines protect against severe cases of Covid-19 and Flu.
Local shot sites: https://covid19.ncdhhs.gov/
Winter Weather Preparedness
Vehicle: Check your tires. Make sure they are properly inflated.
If your car battery is close to 3 years old, have it checked, even replaced.
Home: Never leave portable heaters unattended.
Keep portable heaters at least 3 feet away from furniture and drapes.
More information: News Blog at wbfj.fm
Always check your receipt!!
Multiple Piedmont Triad stores were among 70 stores fined by the NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services due to price-scanner errors. 70 stores in 38 counties have paid fines due to these errors. The department
conducts periodic inspections of scanner systems to make sure that items are ringing up at the correct, advertised prices. In the third quarter of 2022, several stores faced penalties across the Piedmont Triad area. More info on the News Blog…