Monday News for December 16, 2024
‘9’ sleeps till Christmas day
Winter officially begins this Saturday (Dec 21)
Spring begins on (March 20 = 95 days away 😊
The US Postal Service recommends that ground packages should be sent by this Wednesday (Dec 18) if you want it ‘there’ by DEC 25.
*Key shipping dates for packages and letters is this Wednesday + Thursday (Dec 18+19).
AAA: Winter Weather Prep
Make certain your tires are properly inflated.
Cold weather reduces air pressure quicker.
Check your car battery!
Take advantage of ‘free battery checks’ at local auto supply stores, especially if your battery is over 3 years old. www.weather.gov/rnk/NCWinterWxPreparedness2023
What’s up with those mysterious drones? Residents in at least six states have reported seeing something in the skies at night. Federal officials have downplayed the sightings stressing that there is no evidence of a security threat ????
A new rule that caps bank overdraft fees at $5 per item, reducing the amount banks can charge for overdraft transactions. The new overdraft rule, launching this October 2025, would affect State Employee Credit Unions, as well as 175 financial institutions nationwide. www.cnbc.com/2024/12/12/cfpb-bank-overdraft-fees-rule.html
The Bethesda Center for the Homeless has named Chris Leab (LEEB) as ‘new Executive Director’ with Keshia Gonzalez ‘Associate Director’.
Over the past year, the Bethesda Center served over 1,000 individuals, half of whom report mental health challenges, and many face substance use issues as well.
BTW: The Bethesda Center is the largest shelter serving both men and women in Forsyth County, providing assistance and hope both day and night.
Learn more: https://www.bethesdacenter.org/
‘Buy now, Pay Later’ services had their best day yet on Cyber Monday, with consumers spending a record-breaking $991 million dollars.
Food prices up again? Consumers seeing a price jump in eggs, beef and coffee.
Learn what’s behind the increase.
Naughty or Nice List? One in four parents are using the threat of no gifts to address their children’s behavior during the holidays, a new survey finds. Experts recommend positive reinforcement strategies for better results.
RING THOSE BELLS. Salvation Army Red Kettle campaign continues thru DEC 24.
To ring those bells (locally) go to Register to Ring.com https://www.registertoring.com/
Support the Angel Tree program https://southernusa.salvationarmy.org/winston-salem/christmas
American Red Cross: Local blood drive for Monday (Dec 16, 2024)
Kernersville Wesleyan Church on North Main Street = 2pm – 6:30pm
Schedule your blood donation appointment TODAY at https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/
Download the Red Cross Blood Donor App or call 1-800-RED CROSS
At the Box Office (from the weekend)
’Moana 2’ and ‘Wicked’ still dominating at the Box Office.
‘Best Christmas Pageant Ever’ still in the Top 10 (#9) https://www.boxofficemojo.com/
*Check out MOVIE REVIEWS from Focus on the Family at /www.pluggedin.com/movie-reviews
Extended: You can catch For King + Country’s ‘Drummer Boy Christmas Concert’ film in theaters LOCALLY thru this Thursday (Dec 19).
High School Football: State Playoffs
Grimsley (#1 seed) will play Rolesville in the state 4-A High School football championship game this Friday night at Kenan Stadium in Chapel Hill.
NFL: Too many turnovers for the Panthers. Cowboys over the Panthers (30-14).
MNF: There are two NFL games scheduled for tonight…
Bears at the Vikings (8pm on ABC)
Falcons at the Raiders (8:30pm on ESPN)
Mini Devotional: ‘Mondays are a ‘fresh’ start every week.
Think of it as 52 ‘new beginnings’ throughout the year. …posted by DD.
Maybe TODAY is not going as planned.
Never forget, every day you wake up is an amazing gift.
And it’s up to you (to me) to make it count!’
Verse to ponder…
This is the day that the LORD has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 ESV