Home Passover begins at sundown

Passover begins at sundown

The Jewish holiday of Passover begins at sundown today (April 22) and continues through next Tuesday (April 30).

Passover (also called Pesach “PAY-sak”) celebrates the miraculous deliverance from the Death Angel and the Israelites ‘Exodus’ (chapters 12 and 13) from Egypt.

Jesus and the disciples even participated in a Passover Seder (SAY-der) meal (the Last Supper) before His death, burial and ultimate Resurrection!

Passover reminds us of when the angel of death passed over the homes marked with the blood of the spotless Lamb.

The Apostle Paul wrote, “For Christ (Messiah), our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed” (I Corinthians 5:7). For the Christian, the Passover is symbolic of Jesus delivering those who trust in him – from the slavery and penalty of sin.




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