Home Studies on our ‘Faith Factor’

Studies on our ‘Faith Factor’

A researcher who studies young people has found something stunning: those who pray and have a connection with God are more likely to ‘flourish regarding happiness and mental health’.               “My extensive research into 13-to-25-year-olds, noting studies have long found “religion is good for you, ” suggests Dr. Josh Packard, executive director of Springtide Research Institute.                                Source: CBN’s Faithwire



Additional research: Christians are exceptional at giving, fare better in relationships. Church attendees are happier and more content, and have better mental health. Read more about these findings…  https://www.faithwire.com/2022/03/15/3-facts-that-totally-debunk-atheist-and-secularist-arguments-against-faith-and-god/



The WBFJ Wednesday Word is a weekly email written by the WBFJ Staff. It’s short, simple, encouraging and provides a look behind the microphone to the heart of this ministry and the people that help make it happen.

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