Home Tuesday News: Nov 15, 2022

Tuesday News: Nov 15, 2022

9 days til Thanksgiving.  40 days til Christmas.

 Tuesday, NOV 15, 2022

*Winter Weather Advisory for the Northern Mountains Cold ‘rain’ for the Triad today.


AAA: Prepping for ‘COLD’ weather

Wear extra layers of clothing when going outside in cold weather.

Don’t forget your hat and gloves (ear muffs, masks to keep the cold air out?)

Vehicle: Check your tires. Make sure they are properly inflated.

If your car battery is close to 3 years old, have it checked, even replaced.

Home: Never leave portable heaters unattended.

Keep portable heaters at least 3 feet away from furniture and drapes.

More information: News Blog at wbfj.fm and on our Facebook page http://emergency.cdc.gov/disasters/winter/beforestorm/supplylists.asp



Good rule of thumb if you have pets (especially if they stay outside)…

            “If it’s too cold (outside) for you, it’s too cold for them”.



Studies on our ‘Faith Factor’…

A researcher who studies young people has found something stunning: those who pray and have a connection with God are more likely to ‘flourish regarding happiness and mental health’. “My extensive research into 13-to-25-year-olds, noting studies have long found “religion is good for you, ” suggests Dr. Josh Packard, executive director of Springtide Research Institute. Source: CBN’s Faithwire


Additional research: Christians are exceptional at giving, fare better in relationships.

Church attendees are happier and more content, and have better mental health. Read more about these findings on the News Blog at WBFJ.fm.



Republicans are one seat away from retaking the House of Representatives after securing victories Monday night in California, Arizona, and New York.

Democrats won control of the Senate after last week’s mid-term elections.



Fake News?  FORMER President Trump (much teased about) long expected announcement about a possible 2024 third Presidential run could happen this evening. Trump is scheduled to speak from his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida, at 9pm this evening.  https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/15/politics/trump-announcement-2024/index.html


Every 4 seconds someone is diagnosed with dementia.

Even more shocking: 40% of caregivers will ‘pass away’ before the person they are caring for.   Biggest factor…stress.  November is National Family Caregivers month

*Learn more about a local support group called ‘Caregivers Wellbeing’ facilitated by Dr Ann Hiatt on the News Blog.  Dr Ann Hiatt will encourage ‘caregivers’ this week on Sunday @ 5 on WBFJ!! 


Get boosted this week. Health officials stressing getting vaccinations and boosters now – if you want to get the maximum protection against Covid-19 (and the flu) for the holidays coming up.  Reminder: Thanksgiving is just 9 days away.

Getting vaccinated reduces severe illness and hospitalizations.

*Hospitals nationwide (and here in the Triad) have been dealing with an increase in flu and RSV cases for several weeks as the respiratory virus season sweeps the US earlier than usual.


Update: Classes cancelled once again at the University of Virginia as the school “continues to work through the emotional toll” of Sunday’s deadly shooting that claimed the lives of three football players (and injuring two others).  The alleged 22-year-old gunman was arrested Monday about 80 miles east of Charlottesville, Virginia.



Prayer concern.  Jay Leno remains in stable condition at the ‘Burn Center in Los Angeles’, being treated for “burns that he received to his face and hands from a gasoline accident in his car garage over the weekend.”



“Dancing With the Stars” head judge Len Goodman is leaving the show.

“This will be my last season judging ‘Dancing With the Stars,’” the 78-year-old Goodman said during Monday’s episode of the ballroom dance competition. “I’ve been on the show since it started in 2005, and it has been a huge pleasure to be a part of such a wonderful show, but I’ve decided I want to spend more time with my grandchildren and family back in Britain.” *Verne and his family is bummed… ☹



8 billion – The world’s population reached 1 billion on Tuesday.

UN: One billion people were added to the population in just 12 years.



The bells are ringing at the Salvation Army’s Red Kettles…

Options to give to the Salvation Army this holiday season…

-Drop some coins or cash into one of those Red Kettles

-Tap donation using your smart phone. Give online…

NOTE: Bell ringers are needed through December 24…www.SalvationArmyWS.org



Are you a fan of the popular faith-based series “The Chosen”?

The first two episodes of Season 3 will premiere in theaters this Friday, Nov 18.



The WBFJ Wednesday Word is a weekly email written by the WBFJ Staff. It’s short, simple, encouraging and provides a look behind the microphone to the heart of this ministry and the people that help make it happen.

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