Home SUN@5: Exodus Ministries

SUN@5: Exodus Ministries

Exodus Ministries, a Christian mentoring program based in King, is breaking generational patterns of abuse, addictions and poverty through the liberating knowledge of God’s Truths.

Tamra Lilly shares more with Verne (WBFJ)

The ‘mission’ of Exodus Ministries- finding true freedom in Christ – to educate, mentor and support families that have been struggling with these vicious cycles of destructive generational patterns.

 Some of the ‘services’ offered through Exodus Ministries.              Personal Bible study, financial stewardship, transitional Housing, transportation, job placement and building ‘Godly community’.

Exodus “RE-STORED’ retail store – – sells donated items and upcycled goods to support those in transition. The Exodus Re-stored Store is located at 417 East King Street in King is open Thursday, Friday and Saturdays.

FREE EVENT: ‘Re-cover All’ Conference hosted by Exodus Ministries on May 5-7 at King Christian Center

* Exodus Ministries is our WBFJ Ministry of the Month (April)    https://www.exodusrestored.com/

*As heard on Sunday @ 5 on WBFJ (April 16, 2023)


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