SUN@5 for April 28, 2024
April is Guardian ad Litem Volunteer Appreciation month
Amanda Swift (Guardian ad Litem of Forsyth County) along with Hannah and Mickey Childress (GAL volunteers for the past 4 years) share more with Verne (WBFJ) about being court appointed officials, mentors and more importantly a friend to a child in Foster Care. Listen now…
Guardian ad Litem recruits and trains local volunteers to advocate for children who are in foster care. The Guardian ad Litem program is celebrating 40 years. www.facebook.com/ncGuardianAdLitem/
Volunteer Training sessions happening May 23 – June 27, 2024 www.volunteerforgal.org
Brandon Lake shares with Verne and Wally (WBFJ Morning Show) about life, music, family and Jesus! Listen now…
Brandon shares the personal back story of his latest single “Miracle Child”. Raising all boys (9, 7, 20 months). And what to expect at his “Tear Off the Roof” Tour happening May 4, 2024 (Saturday) at the Greensboro Coliseum.
TIX www.ticketmaster.com/event/2D005F679CE83A4A Info: brandonlake.com
*As heard on Sunday @ 5 on WBFJ (April 28, 2024)