Thursday News for March 07, 2024
12 days till the official start to SPRING! (March 19)
24 days till Easter Sunday! (March 31)
Tree pollen levels in the moderate range for today (March 7). Source: Pollen.com
Severe Weather Preparedness Week in North Carolina
Today’s focus = Lightning Safety www.weather.gov/rah/severeprep
Go inside a sturdy building when you hear thunder or see lightening.
Stay inside for at least 30 minutes (after the last audible thunder).
American Red Cross: Local blood drives (Thursday, March 7)…
Finch Auditorium (Unity Street in Thomasville) = 8:30am – 1:30pm
Archdale Recreation Center (Park Drive) = 8:30am – 1pm
Emerywood Baptist Church (Country Club Road, HP) + 2pm – 6:30pm
Lawndale Baptist Church in Greensboro = 2:30 – 6:30pm
Mount Pisgah Church in Greensboro = 2:30pm – 7pm
The Crossing Church-North Main Campus (Kville) = 3pm – 7:30pm
Schedule your blood donation appointment TODAY at https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/
Download the Red Cross Blood Donor App or call 1-800-RED CROSS.
Nearly 9 million drivers could be eligible for some settlement money?
Kia and Hyundai owners with the models that have become famous because they’re easy to steal can get payouts from $50 to several thousand dollars.
Kia and Hyundai owners SHOULD BE getting settlement mailers explaining the compensation. Details and links on the News Blog at wbfj.fm…
Kia settlement info: https://www.kiatheftsettlement.com/
Hyundai settlement info: https://www.hyundaitheftsettlement.com/
The Women’s ACC Basketball Tournament at the Greensboro Coliseum.
The Lady Deacs stunning #11 Virginia (58-55) last night in their opening game.
Wake Forest (women) VS Florida State tonight at 7:30pm.
Peak ‘blooms’ soon in DC. The likely ‘peak’ for cherry blossoms in Washington, DC will be between March 23 – 26. According to park officials, peak bloom is defined as the day when 70% of the Yoshino Cherry blossoms are open.
Triad Ladder of Hope is needing specific ‘donations’ for their ‘Fresh Start Bags’.
Donations can be dropped off at their location in High Point OR purchase online from their Amazon Wishlist. https://a.co/8uXF3Jq
*Triad Ladder of Hope is a grassroots organization leading the movement to end human trafficking in the Piedmont Triad. http://triadladderofhope.weebly.com/
President Biden: A ‘State of the Union’ address on Thursday night (9pm).
BTW: The shortest “State of the Union address’ was delivered by George Washington. His 1790 address was only 833 words, which likely lasted less than 10 minutes. https://www.cnn.com/interactive/politics/state-of-the-union-quiz/
The FREE at-home COVID-19 test kit program from the government will soon be suspended. Orders placed on or before this Friday (March 8) will be shipped.
Order info (and additional resources) at Covidtests.gov. CNN
Election 2024. Around 1.8 million North Carolinians (about 24% of registered voters) cast ballots in the state’s 2024 primary election on Tuesday.
Check out Primary election results from Tuesday on the News Blog. https://www.ncsbe.gov/
Some North Carolina races from Tuesday are heading toward a Run-off (May 14).
Lieutenant governor
Republican Candidates: Hal Weatherman and Jim O’Neill
State auditor
Republican Candidates: Jack Clark and Dave Boliek
6th Congressional District
Republican Candidates: Mark Walker and Addison McDowell
The district includes all or parts of Davidson, Davie, Forsyth, Guilford, Rowan and Cabarrus counties. NOTE: The winner of the May 14th run-off primary is headed to Congress. There is no Democratic candidate in the 6th district race…
*NC State Board of Elections will post specific second-primary Run-Off info here
Post Primary Election News…
Incumbent Forsyth County commissioner Dave Plyler says that he will not retire after winning one of three qualifying ‘spots’ in the county’s Republican primary.
According to the Winston-Salem Journal, this comes nearly one month after the 85-year-old Plyler announced that he would retire from the county board on June 30. Plyler had filed for re-election to a new term this year, but his Feb. 8 retirement announcement came too late to take his name off the ballot. https://journalnow.com/news/local/government-politics/elections/dave-plyler-says-he-will-not-retire-as-forsyth-commissioner-after-winning-spot-on-november/
Be part of the decision-making process right here in your community.
The Forsyth County Board of Commissioners is accepting applications from citizens interested in volunteering their service on one of the County’s boards, committees or commissions. As a board or committee member, you will have a seat at the table to ensure your community is heard and to help County Commissioners form policy decisions. *Applications must be received by this Monday (March 11) at 5pm.
Details and application links on the News Blog (look for Forsyth Volunteers)
How much cash should you keep on hand for an Emergency Situation?
According to consumer advocate Clark Howard, “It depends on daily cash needs.” Here’s one way to figure out what your ideal amount of cash to keep on hand would be:
Look at a month from the last year in which you didn’t have any large, out-of-the-ordinary expenditures.
Add together your total credit and debit card expenditures plus any money you withdrew from ATMs that month.
Divide that number by 10, and then you have a pretty good idea of how much cash you might need to cover you for three days.
Clark says he has a simple rule: “I have $400 in cash on hand. No one will find it if they come looking for it, but if I don’t have access to money otherwise, I know that I have that much. Four-hundred dollars can cover a lot of things in the event that global banking systems are not available (for a short time).”