Tips: Driving in Winter Weather
AAA: Winter Weather and your Car
-Make certain your tires are properly inflated. Cold weather reduces air pressure quicker.
-Make certain your tires have plenty of tread.
-Check your car battery! Take advantage of ‘free battery checks’ at local auto supply
stores, especially if your battery is over 3 years old.
-Locate that ice scraper, before you really need it.
-Keep your gas tank at least half full to avoid gas line freeze-up.
-Avoid applying your parking brake in wet, cold conditions.
-During the winter months, travel experts suggest keeping an emergency duffle bag in your vehicle with items including snacks, water, warm clothing, a flashlight, an ice scraper, blankets even medications.
Tips: Driving in winter weather
When the weather is bad and driving conditions are poor, the best bet is to stay at home
Make sure your car is in good running condition. Make sure that your battery, antifreeze, windshield wipers, ignition and thermostat are all in good working order.
Be sure your tires have enough tread. Replace any of these items if necessary.
If you must go out when snow and ice are on the ground, let someone know your destination and when you plan to arrive. Also take a cell phone with you if possible.
Clean snow and ice off all parts of your car before you drive away.
Keep your gas tank as full as possible when snow and ice are forecast. This will not only give you added peace of mind, it also increases the weight of your car and this will provide additional traction.
Overall drive slow. Driving at even posted speeds is extremely dangerous when snow and ice are on the road. Many vehicles will lose traction especially at higher speeds resulting in serious accident and vehicle rollovers.
Steer your car into the skid. If your vehicle loses traction and begins to skid, steer the front tires into the direction of the skid. Never hit your brakes as this will result in a more serious skid and spinning of the vehicle. When your vehicle skids keep your cool and remain calm. Again driving at slower speeds will help you recover from a skid. https://www.weather.gov/rnk/NCWinterWxPreparedness2023
Bundle up!
Wear extra layers of clothing when going outside. Don’t forget your hat and gloves.
Home: Keep portable heaters at least 3 feet away from furniture and drapes.
Pets: Good rule of thumb: “If it’s too cold for you, it’s too cold for them”.