Tuesday News for February 06, 2024
Most Christians will change churches at some point in their life. But it’s happening more often than it used to. In a recent Lifeway Research survey, 60% of individuals (polled) indicated a physical move as the main reason for their change.
The other 40% gave a variety of different answers for changing churches including…
Either something changed about the church they didn’t like, the church wasn’t fulfilling their needs, or respondents became disenchanted with the pastor or church.
Bottom Line: As Christians, we should all find the church that’s right for us and where we feel we can best walk with Him (Jesus) and grow in our faith.
American Red Cross: Local blood drives TODAY (FEB 6)
United Way of Greater High Point (Phillips Avenue) = 11 – 3pm
American Legion Post 342 (Salisbury) = 1pm – 5:30pm
Friendly Avenue Baptist Church in Greensboro = 2pm – 7pm
First United Methodist Church (south Main Street. Lexington) = 2– 6:30pm
*Schedule your blood donation appointment TODAY at https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/
Download the Red Cross Blood Donor App or call 1-800-RED CROSS.
Ginger Ale anyone? Lots of us reach for the Ginger Ale when we are sick.
Experts suggesting that most brands of Ginger Ale don’t even contain real GINGER…which really helps with that upset stomach! Have a favorite???
(Verne) Hill family favorites…
Canada Dry BOLD and Craft Ginger Ale based in Charlotte
Country music singer-songwriter Toby Keith passed away Monday night surrounded by family after a 2-year battle with stomach cancer.
Toby Keith was 62. https://www.npr.org/2024/02/06/1229407614/toby-keith-dies-cancer?
Scam alert: The Forsyth County Sheriff’s has received an influx of calls reporting scams – centered around taxes, COVID funds, summons to appear, and failure to appear for loan defaults. These scams are currently circulating through the mail, email, and phone calls. Example: Numerous citizens have received letters in the mail and/or emails alleging a summons has been filed against them. This is a scam.
The Sheriff’s Office continues to urge citizens to never provide money to individuals over the phone via pre-paid money cards, cryptocurrency, or any other payment method.
If you suspect fraudulent activity end the call immediately or keep any letters you received and immediately notify your local law enforcement agency to report the activity.
“In God we trust, all others you must investigate…”
-Forsyth County Sheriff Bobby Kimbrough
Note: Anyone with information related to criminal activity should contact the Forsyth County Sheriff’s Office directly at 336-727-2112; anonymously text information, photos, and video via Text-A-Tip at 336-920-8477, or anonymously
call Crimestoppers at 336-727-2800 for English or 336-728-3904 for Spanish
Free tax-preparation sites are now open throughout Davidson County.
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program (or VITA) provides assistance for low- to mid-income families, the elderly and underserved with free help preparing and filing their federal and state income tax returns.
Locations: Lexington, Thomasville, Denton + Davie-Davidson Community College.
The appointment link for Denton, Lexington, and Thomasville is tinyurl.com/DavCoFREEtaxes.
The college site link is https://ddccvitasite.as.me/
120 = That’s around how many mudslides have been reported to authorities in Los Angeles as a powerful storm continues to batter Southern California. Forecasts suggesting that the worst of the rain is over… But, to make matters worse, the vast majority of flood victims losses in California – won’t be covered by insurance.
Traffic Alert (Forsyth County): Bridge replacement over South Fork Muddy Creek
Old Salisbury Road is now CLOSED (to through traffic) between Friedberg Church Road and West Clemmonsville / Stafford Village Boulevard to allow the necessary time to replace the bridge. The new bridge is expected to open to traffic in mid-November 2024. NC-DOT