Tuesday News for November 21, 2023
Praise! 2 to 4 inches of rain possible over the next 24 hours…
Update: That wildfire on Sauratown Mountain in Stokes County has consumed over 700 acres since late Saturday. About 150 firefighters, some from as far away as Utah and Washington State, are assisting local crews. “The fire that started Saturday night is still not contained. The rain that is falling will help but (will) not extinguish the fire.” -Jimmy Holt, N.C. Forest Service press conference this morning
AAA: The national average for a gallon of gas ($3.31) continues to decline as the holidays quickly approach. NC average for regular unleaded = $3.04.
Good news: It’s the cheapest gas average since 2020. https://gasprices.aaa.com/?state=NC
AAA: More than 55 million Americans are expected to travel over the
Thanksgiving holiday, and the vast majority will be driving.
FREE OIL CHANGE. All Thomas Tire locations in North Carolina are offering a free oil change throughout the month of November. Just donate 20 non-perishable items to their annual Food for Oil campaign. *Thomas Tire is a North Carolina-based company.
“Doing the Most Good” Volunteer opportunities abound with the Salvation Army!
Special thanks to Major Andrew Wiley, Cadet Susan Garland and Kayanah Alexander with the Salvation Army of Greater Winston-Salem for stopping by the WBFJ Morning Show. Learn more about the Red Kettle campaign. Bell ringers needed through December 24. Register to ring today: https://www.registertoring.com/
Check out additional volunteer opportunities at www.SalvationArmyWS.org.
Thanksgiving is just days away. It’s time to thaw that frozen turkey…
Allow approximately 24 hours for EACH 5 pounds (of frozen turkey) in your refrigerator.
Questions? Contact 1-800-Butterball or https://www.butterball.com
What about those Thanksgiving leftovers?
The USDA suggests eating refrigerated leftovers within 3 to 4 days of preparation. That means Thursday leftovers should be eaten by Sunday.
You can FREEZE most leftovers within 3 days (or simply toss them out, when in doubt)!
Reminder: Two hours is the limit that refrigerated items should be left out on the table at room temperature! *When in doubt, throw it out!!!!!!!
POLL: The average American will consume 26 cookies, 12 slices of pie, and 13 cupcakes over the holidays! Yikes… According to the survey, we will also consume 25 pieces of candy and 13 brownies. Not counting the main and side dishes!
Note: The poll also found that close to HALF (48%) of us ‘hide food from friends and family members?!” The most common hiding spot: in a non-food cabinet even the bathroom cabinet! Source: OnePoll
Eating sweet potatoes can help you lose weight? Experts say YES…
“Sweet potatoes contain fiber. Fiber is rocket fuel for weight loss”, according to Destini Moody, a registered sports dietitian. https://www.eatthis.com/sweet-potatoes-for-weight-loss/?
American Red Cross: Local Blood drives happening this week…
Today (Nov 21)
Bethel Methodist Church (Oak Ridge) = 1:30pm – 6pm
Pfafftown Baptist Church (Transou Road) = 3pm – 7pm
Davie County Library (Mocksville) = 2pm – 6:30pm
Wednesday (Nov 22)
Jerry Long YMCA (Peace Haven Road, Clemmons) = 10:30am – 3pm
Friday (Nov 24)
Highland Presbyterian Church (Cloverdale Ave, WS) Noon – 4:30pm
Saturday, Nov 25
Center Global Methodist Church (Center Rd, Yadkinville) 10am – 3pm
*Schedule your blood donation appointment TODAY at https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/
Breaking: early dismissal for a few schools in Stokes County.
Students were sent home as of 10am at North Stokes, Piney Grove, and Lawsonville schools due to a power outage. According to Duke Energy, repairs are being made.
Source: Stokes County Schools’ Facebook page