Tuesday News for October 29, 2024
Normal HIGH temperature: 67 degrees. SUNSET at around 6:26pm this evening. *Time change this weekend: Fall back ONE HOUR before bedtime this Saturday night.
Fall ‘Home Furnishings Market’ in High Point thru Wednesday (Oct 30)
In-person Early Voting ends this Saturday afternoon (Nov 2) at 3pm statewide.
General Election Day – ONE WEEK AWAY – next Tuesday (Nov 5) www.ncsbe.gov/
Learn about the photo ID requirement needed to vote at www.bringitnc.gov
View your sample ballot, check out the link from the NC State Board of Elections
on our News Blog at wbfj.fm https://vt.ncsbe.gov/RegLkup/
Upcoming voter deadlines for the 2024 general election…
Oct. 29 (Tuesday): Absentee ballot request deadline TODAY at 5pm
Nov 2: In-person early voting ends Saturday afternoon at 3pm
General Election Day is Thursday, November 5th.
*Absentee ballot return deadline (Nov 5) by 7:30pm.
American Red Cross: Local blood drives on Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Trinity High School in Trinity = 8am – 1pm
Lincoln Financial on Greene Street in Greensboro = 10 – 2:30pm
Triad Math and Science Academy in Greensboro = 9:30am – 2:30pm
Mount Tabor UMC on Robinhood Rd in Winston Salem = 2pm – 7pm
Schedule your blood donation appointment TODAY at https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/
Download the Red Cross Blood Donor App or call 1-800-RED CROSS
Update: 12 additional NC counties are eligible for FEMA assistance.
Homeowners and renters in 12 additional counties including Forsyth, Rowan, Surry and Yadkin who had uninsured damage or losses caused by Tropical Storm Helene are now eligible to apply for FEMA disaster assistance.
The quickest way to apply is to go online to DisasterAssistance.gov. You can also apply using the FEMA App for mobile devices or calling toll-free 800-621-3362.
Today is world STROKE day…
Remember ‘BE FAST’…
B – Balance (balance issues)
E – Eyes (vision issues or loss)
F – Face (face drooping, usually on one side)
A – Arm or leg (numbness)
S – Speech (difficulty talking, slurring words)
T – Terrible headache or time (calling 911 quickly can save a life)
“Good people do good things because of the good in their hearts,
but bad people do bad things because of the evil in their hearts.
Your words show what is in your heart”
-Luke 6:45 CEV
National Collection Week is November 18-25, 2024
Operation Christmas Child: Volunteers needed
Registration is now open at ‘shoebox processing centers’ in Charlotte and Boone.
Shoebox processing in Charlotte begins Nov. 23
Shoebox processing in Boone begins Nov. 27
Learn more about Operation Christmas Child at wbfj.fm
Prime members can now add “fuel discounts” to their list of benefits.
The newest perk from Amazon will allow Prime members to save 10 cents per gallon at the gas pump (up to an average of nearly $70 a year) at around 7,000 participating BP and Amoco stations across the U.S.
*Gas prices (nationwide) are the lowest since January, according to data from GasBuddy
World Series: Los Angeles Dodgers at New York Yankees
Game 4 TONIGHT in New York (on Fox) LA up 3 games to none.