Tuesday News: JUNE 20, 2023
Excessive rainfall expected for central NC including the Triad thru Friday. Some areas of the Piedmont Triad could see as much as 5 inches of rain through Wednesday night alone according to the National Weather Service.
Power Outages this morning (updated)
Yadkin county (2,100 people), Around 250 in Wilkes. Over 160 in Guildford county
Today is World Refugee Day. This year’s theme: ‘Hope Away from Home’
The UN estimates the number of refugees worldwide is now approaching 35 million people (with more than 12 million displaced in Europe). The number of Ukrainian refugees has grown to more than 5 million.
Special event: International Festival 2023 hosted by World Relief Triad happening this Saturday afternoon (June 24) from 4-8pm at Elevation Church Winston Salem. Enjoy food from around the globe, music & performances, games and activities for all ages, inflatables, vendors, dessert trucks & more! This event is open to all people.
https://worldrelief.org/triad/events/international-festival/ https://sbee.link/mpvyb4qdch
Still no updates on that missing mini-sub. A massive search operation is underway to find a crew of five people on board that small sub went missing on a trip to view the wreckage of the Titanic. The vessel lost contact nearly two hours into its 11 hour dive on Sunday. Officials are racing against time to find the sub, which has between 70 and 96 hours of life support. The Titanic sits at the bottom of the ocean nearly two miles below the surface southeast of Newfoundland, Canada. CNN
Tropical storm named Bret has formed over the central Atlantic Ocean and will likely become a hurricane by Wednesday. It is still too early to tell what impacts, if any, it will have on the US coast. CNN
Major insurance companies are pulling out of some states entirely to limit their risks where natural disasters are common. It’s now especially difficult to find reasonable homeowners’ insurance in California, Florida and Louisiana due to the likelihood of damaging hurricanes and wildfires. CNN
Cinemark offering $1.50 animated movies to families this summer through their ‘Summer Movie Clubhouse’ deal, Wednesday mornings at 9:30am, starting this week (June 19) through August 10. Participating theaters in our listening area include Cinemark Tinseltown Salisbury and Cinemark Asheboro. www.cinemark.com/smctheatres2023
College World Series – First Round Play in Omaha.
Wake Forest Baseball rallies in the 8th to beat LSU 3-2 last night.
Deacs play the winner of the LSU vs Tennessee on Wednesday.
WS/FC Schools is hosting a ‘Virtual Career Fair’
Wednesday afternoon (June 21) from 4pm till 6pm.
You must upload your resume to register. Link: https://bit.ly/wsfcssummercareerfair23
The Green Swamp Wildfire, which has consumed over 15,000 acres in Brunswick county, is now over 50% contained. Fire crews are hopeful that expected rain will help in further containment. On Monday, drivers along Highway 17 in Brunswick County had to navigate heavy smoke and fog. https://portcitydaily.com/local-news/2023/06/19/firefighters-make-headway-in-brunswick-wildfire-10-contained/
Lexington has their painted pigs. Thomasville has their ‘Painted Piano Project’?
Real upright pianos are popping up along Main and Salem streets in Thomasville. Pianos will be painted on site. Work should be completed within one week.
Arts / Davidson County has posted ‘guidelines’ on their Facebook page.
Learn more on the News Blog at wbfj.fm. https://www.facebook.com/ArtsDavidsonCounty/
Today from 10am to noon at the Food Pantry of the Triad (Johnson Street).
*Next giveaway will be on July 12 (Helping Hands ministry) 9-11pm. www.unitedwayhp.org/
Verses on refugees and immigrants: https://sojo.net/22-bible-verses-welcoming-immigrants
“I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” Matthew 25:35
“Truly I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of my brethren you did it to me.”
Matthew 25:40
Talk about GREAT customer service or the gift that keeps on giving!
A Kansas City hotel is making a married couple very happy for their 40th wedding anniversary. According to KMBC-TV, Tim and Melinda O’Brien spent their wedding night in 1983 at the historic Muehlebach Hotel in downtown Kansas City. At the time, the newlyweds were presented with a gift certificate by the hotel.
Fast forward 40 years.
As Tim was making arrangements for their upcoming anniversary (on June 25), Tim says that “I was going through our old wedding album and there was a certificate right there. I wonder if they’ll still honor this.”
The certificate states that the bearer can use it any year on the month of their wedding anniversary to stay at the same price as their wedding night.
In the O’Brien’s case, it was $38 dollars. The 108-year-old Muehlebach Hotel which became part of the Kansas City Marriott Downtown complex in 1996, will indeed honor the 40-year-old certificate. The couple will be staying at the hotel this Sunday (June 25th). https://k1047.com/2023/06/19/kansas-city-hotel-40-year-old-anniversary-gift-certificate/