Tuesday News: March 07, 2023
Increased ‘Fire Danger’ for the Piedmont Triad today. Please NO outdoor burning this afternoon
Spring officially begins March 20 (13 days away?)
‘Tree pollen levels’ in the “HIGH” range for Tuesday.
Severe Weather Preparedness Week for North Carolina
March 5th – 11th, 2023 https://www.weather.gov/rah/severeprep
Today’s Focus: Ways to receive ‘weather alerts’. How about Radio = WBFJ!!!!!!!!!
REMINDER: Statewide Tornado Drill is planned for Wednesday (March 8) at 9:30am
Good news: The rates of flu, COVID-19 and other respiratory infections have continued to decline in our area over the past several weeks.
Update: Visitor restrictions for children age 12 and under have been ‘lifted’ at area hospitals. As always, anyone planning to visit patients at any hospital should be healthy, with NO fever, cough, colds or stomach virus symptoms.
*Masks are still required for patients, visitors and hospital staff.
Full visitor guidelines can be found at www.wakehealth.edu/patient-and-family-resources/preparing-for-your-visit/visitor-guidelines.
Reduce the spread of viruses by washing hands frequently with soap, using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, avoiding touching the eyes, nose or mouth, practicing good hygiene and staying home from work or school if experiencing a fever or feeling ill.
If you have a $2-dollar bill, it could be worth a lot more?
Certain $2 dollar bills can fetch $4,500 and up on the collectibles market, according to the U.S. Currency Auctions (USCA) website. Just about all of the really valuable ones were printed in the 1800s. But even bills printed within the last 30 years might be worth hundreds of dollars — if you have the right one.
#1 thing that ‘destroys’ relationships? Lack of communication…
In his book “What Predicts Divorce?”, psychologist Dr. John Gottman identifies the four most problematic types of communication in relationships, based on his studies of 40,000 couples over 50 years:
Contempt: Expressing a lack of respect for our partners (e.g., name-calling, eye-rolling, ridiculing).
Criticism: Attacking a partner’s character.
Defensiveness: Protecting from criticism by using excuses or shifting blame.
Stonewalling: Withdrawing from communication by ignoring, zoning out or acting busy.
Of these four, Dr Gottman says, the biggest predictor of a failed relationship is contempt.
Contempt isn’t just bad for relationships — it’s also bad for our health.
Research has shown that individuals who use contempt in their communication have higher rates of disease, including cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses such as colds or the flu.
‘Jesus Revolution’ (the movie) still in theaters, landing at #5 after a second weekend in theaters. Actor Jonathan Roumie (who plays ‘Lonnie Frisbee’ in the movie) is giving “all glory to God” amid the box-office success of Jesus Revolution.
Winston-Salem Dash: ‘Gameday staff’ needed for the upcoming baseball season.
*Apply online at https://atmilb.com/3GNCOzh
St Patty’s Day is March 17. McDonald’s is already serving up its iconic Shamrock Shake— along with the newer favorite, the OREO Shamrock McFlurry.
BTW: The Shamrock Shake was first introduced in 1970.
March is Pastors’ Wives Appreciation Month
Energize Ministries: Encourage your pastor…and your pastor’s wife!
During the month of March, nominate your pastor’s wife TODAY with an awesome opportunity – a family vacation week at the Outer Banks.
Go to Energize Ministries.com for all the details.
One winner will be chosen on Friday, March 31st. www.energizeministries.com
Blood Donation: Some of the requirements to give blood include…
Be at least 17 years old (16 with parental consent)
Weigh at least 110 pounds.
Be in good health generally and feel well on the day of donation.
Bring a current photo ID on the day of donation.
Source: Piedmont Triad Chapter of the American Red Cross
*Schedule your blood donation appointment through the American Red Cross at
www.RedCrossBlood.org or on the Blood Donor App
The Biden administration may restart the policy of detaining migrants who enter the U.S. illegally with their children. The White House stopped the practice shortly after Biden took office.
At least 23 people are facing domestic terrorism charges after dozens attacked the site of a proposed police training center dubbed ‘Cop City’ outside Atlanta where one protester was killed in January. The crowd burned vehicles and set off fireworks. CNN
Bill Maher is receiving backlash for his criticism of “wokeness” in a recent interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper.
College Hoops
The Men’s ACC TOURNAMENT begins today in Greensboro.
Wake Forest VS Syracuse this Wednesday at Noon.
UNC plays Wednesday at 7pm.
NC State plays Wednesday at 9:30pm
Duke will get some rest with that double ‘bye’. The Blue Devils play (2:30) on Thursday.