Home ‘Unveiling Truth About Human Trafficking’

‘Unveiling Truth About Human Trafficking’

The mission of Abolition NC is ‘to have a community free from human trafficking’.

Cindy King, executive director with AbolitionNC, shares more with Verne (WBFJ) about the two biggest ‘trafficking’ problems in North Carolina. And, how this summer’s release of ‘Sound of Freedom’ has been good for ‘awareness’ but falls short in one area (education).

Free community event. Abolition NC will be showing their documentary and providing discussion…
‘Bring to Light: Unveiling Truth About Human Trafficking’
Friday, September 15 at 7pm (Doors open at 6:30.)
Location: Lawndale Baptist Church in Greensboro.
Visit their website www.AbolitionNC.org/light to RSVP

Special free ‘educational’ event providing awareness + resources…
– Hear survivor stories
– Discover how to recognize trafficking
-Understand how to respond
– Learn strategies to keep kids safe online
*Some content presented will be PG-13.

*As heard on WBFJ radio

Listen now…


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