Home WBFJ Wednesday Word

WBFJ Wednesday Word

The Right Song At The Right Time

It was a like any other typical Wednesday and it was the all request lunch hour. My favorite hour of the workday.
It was about 12:30 and the phone rang. On the other end of the line was a very frustrated, angry, stressed-out man.

For just a second, I thought he was upset with me or the radio station, but as he continued to share through his tears that I detected,
I could tell this was something different. He said, I’ve had a terrible day, but when I heard you play

“I Am The Way,” by Mark Schultz,

it totally changed my day!

It’s interested because I had added that song, it wasn’t called in as a request. Why that song? I don’t really know why.
As I continued to talk with this guy, I ended up praying with him before our phone conversation ended.
I ask him to call back when things got better in his life. I’m still anticipating that call, but if he doesn’t, that’s okay too.
One side note to this story. Technically, WBFJ-FM was supposed to be off the air from 12-1 that day to switch to a new transmitter,
but because of some issues, we didn’t go off the air later until later in the day. A “God Thing?” Maybe it was.

I love it when God shows up and provides a Wednesday word for me! We are all looking for the opportunity to

share Jesus with others; some try to manufacture situations, others miss the chance that’s right in front of them.
The truth is, God provides them, you’ve just got to recognize them by being sensitive to His spirit.
And that’s why the 12-1 all request lunch hour is my favorite time during each workday!

I am blessed… Kurt

Encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing
1 Thessalonians 5:11



The WBFJ Wednesday Word is a weekly email written by the WBFJ Staff. It’s short, simple, encouraging and provides a look behind the microphone to the heart of this ministry and the people that help make it happen.

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