Wednesday News: Feb 22, 2023
Today is Ash Wednesday
Tree pollen levels HIGH today! https://www.forsyth.cc/EAP/pollen.aspx
Update: Residents of the Northern US are bracing for a major winter storm threatening to bring blizzard conditions, bitter cold temperatures and up to 2 feet of snow.
Flight cancellations are on the rise this morning: More than 1,600 flights had been canceled across the US as of 8am. https://www.npr.org/2023/02/22/1158700057/minnesota-snow-storm
*Early Bird pricing ends this Thursday (Feb 23)!
Interested in Homeschooling? The ‘Thrive’ Homeschool Conference is planned for May 25-27, at the Benton Convention Center in downtown Winston-Salem.
Registration at www.nche.com/thrive/
- Nationally Recognized Speakers
- Huge Vendor Hall
- Fun Teen Activities, College Fair and more!
Featured Speakers include Dr. Bill Brown, Colson Center for Christian Worldview
Baby Bottle Campaign supporting Salem Pregnancy happening through the month of February at select Chick-Fil-As in Forsyth County.
Starbucks is testing a new line of beverages with a spoonful of extra virgin olive oil – adding 120 calories to the drink.
Three olive oil beverages are available for sale at Starbucks cafes in Italy starting this week. Adding fat to coffee is not new. You can do it the old-fashioned way, with cream or milk, or even butter. https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/21/business/starbucks-oleato/index.html
Home Depot is raising starting pay for employees to $15 dollars an hour, effective this month. BTW: Home Depot posted huge sales numbers during the pandemic as millions of workers stuck at home jumped on home renovations.
The U.S. seems to have dodged a major wintertime Covid-19 surge!
As the pandemic drifts into its third year, the Covid-19 variants are less risky for most people, BUT the US is still experiencing hundreds of Covid related deaths daily.
The U.S. just recently topped 1.1 million Covid-19 deaths since the pandemic began.
The people most at risk of Covid: the elderly, often with underlying health issues such as heart and lung ailments. https://www.wsj.com/articles/why-the-u-s-covid-19-death-toll-is-still-rising-
Prayers are needed: A Mission Aviation Fellowship pilot and two ministry volunteers who were arrested on Nov. 4 for allegedly “supporting terrorism. They have been denied bail and remain in prison in Mozambique for over 75 days.
As CBN News reported in December, the three were taken into custody by officials in Mozambique while preparing to fly vitamins and other supplies to church-run orphanages in the Cabo Delgado Province. www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/cwn/2023/february/pray-missionary-pilot-2-maf-volunteers-denied-bail-trapped-in-prison-more-than-76-days
Revival at Asbury.
Update: Beginning Tuesday (Feb 21), ‘public services’ are now being held at separate location in the central Kentucky area. Asbury University will still host evening services for college-age and high school students (25 and under) through this Thursday (Feb 23). Asbury will live stream limited portions of these services through this Thursday, which is also ‘National Collegiate Day of Prayer’.
FYI: Christian filmmaker Alex Kendrick (‘Facing the Giants’ ‘Courageous’ ‘WarRoom’) recently visited the Lee University revival and said in a video posted to social media, “Revival is still going on.” www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/us/2023/february/20-000-join-asbury-revival-in-weekend-explosion-but-outpouring-will-now-be-moved-off-campus
A first-generation 2007 iPhone sold for more than $63,000 in an online auction Sunday, more than 100 times its original cost.
Dubbed a “first-edition” device by auctioneer LCG Auctions, the box had never been opened. The original iPhone cost $599 and offered early Apple adopters a 3.5-inch screen with a 2-megapixel camera. It had no app store, ran on a 2G network and was exclusive to AT&T’s network.
Who has an unopened iphone in the box lying around?
Two cases before the US Supreme Court could change liability rules for content posted on social media platforms such as Google, Facebook and Twitter.
The high court is hearing oral arguments this week. For now, a decades-old law protects big tech from being held liable for content on their platforms, but that could change…
State High School basketball post-season games
Lots of area schools will continue on toward state championships. Score here…
College Hoops
WSSU Rams (men’s team) are the fifth seed in the CIAA Tournament.
The Rams play at 12:30pm (Feb 22) against 12th-seeded St. Augustine’s in Baltimore.
The Rams have beaten the Falcons twice in the regular-season.
ACC Hoop action TONIGHT…
Wake Forest at NC State (9pm)
UNC at Notre Dame (9pm)