Wednesday News for August 16, 2023
Power outages reported this morning…
+10,000 without power in Guilford county
+600 in Davidson
Update: Wet ‘n Wild Emerald Pointe Water Park will be closed TODAY (Aug 16) due to a power outage from Tuesday’s severe storms. The water park hopes to be back open on Thursday. www.wfmynews2.com/article/news/local/wet-n-wild-emerald-pointe-closed-wednesday-weather-impacts/8
Drivers needed. Less than two weeks before the start of the 2023-24 school year, the local school district has a message for students that ride the bus – Be patient and expect delays. Currently, Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools is 58 drivers short of having a full roster. Drivers have to take classes to get a commercial driver license and get a school bus driver certificate from the N.C. Department of Motor Vehicles, which involves more training and tests. The district is looking at ways to speed up the application process. https://journalnow.com/news/local/education/with-58-bus-drivers-needed-to-fill-all-routes-winston-salem-forsyth-county-schools-students/article
The Triad could be home to North Carolina’s first new nuclear power plant in more than 35 years under a proposal filed with state regulators on Tuesday. Duke Energy is asking the N.C. Utilities Commission to sign off on a plan to add reactors at its Belews Creek Steam Station in Stokes County. A similar system would be added at a second site still to be determined. https://journalnow.com/news/duke-seeks-nukes-at-belews-reactors-would-supplant-coal-at-stokes-plant/article
Former NFL star Michael Oher whose adoption story was the focus of the 2009 motion picture The Blind Side, has alleged in a petition filed in a Tennessee court that in reality, he was never adopted by the Tuohy family. Instead, he now claims they tricked him by creating a conservatorship that benefited them. Michael is requesting that the Tuohy family stop using his name and likeness in addition to any money he may be owed.
Pro-tennis in the Twin city. Watch singles + doubles matches from some of the best tennis players in the world at the Winston-Salem Open beginning this Saturday (Aug 19).
*Kids’ Day at the Winston-Salem Open this Saturday sponsored by Atrium Health / Brenner Children’s Hospital. Children ages 6-12 can enjoy tennis-related activities at Truist Field (where the Deacs play their home football games). Register today! https://www.winstonsalemopen.com/en/tournament/special-events
*Also, you can get a FREE ticket for opening day of the Winston-Salem Open this Saturday just by bringing three non-perishable food items or five school supply items.
***Supporting Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest NC and The Educator Warehouse.
The Winston-Salem Open runs August 19 – August 26, 2023
Details at https://www.winstonsalemopen.com/
Happy 114th birthday?
Elizabeth Francis of Houston, Texas turned 114 years young last week, making her the second oldest person in the U.S. (and seventh oldest in the world).
Five generations of her family celebrated her birthday together with their friends.
And she still lives in her own home.
Someone asked “How does it feel to be 114 years old?” Miss Francis said, “I don’t know, I just thank the good Lord for keeping me.” Her longevity seems to be genetic. Her sister lived to be 106 and her daughter is currently 94.
What’s her secret to a long life???
“I think generosity, being generous.Treating people like you want to be treated. (God) wants you to be generous and kind.” Miss Francis has also lived a healthy lifestyle, eating vegetables she grew in her backyard.
-Have you ever smoked? “No”. “Do you drink?” Oh NO.
“What do you eat? “Everything,” she replied with a laugh. “I’m just Blessed’.
FYI: Miss Francis – considered a “supercentenarian,” that’s a person who has reached the age beyond 110 – was born in 1909. William Howard Taft was the 27th President of the United States. 90% of all babies born in the U.S. were born at home. Women could not yet vote. The U.S. Army purchased the world’s first military airplane. And, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway held it’s first event!
Wedding planning checklist: cake, rings, flowers, pastor, DJ and tax forms?
*Newlyweds should report any name change to the Social Security Administration. They should also report an address change to the United States Postal Service, their employers and the IRS.
*Speaking of the IRS, newly married couples should consider changing their withholding. If both spouses work, they may move into a higher tax bracket or be affected by the additional Medicare tax.
*Remember: If a couple is married as of December 31, the law considers them ‘married’ the whole year – for tax purposes.
Source: Keith Hiatt, CPA. ‘Breslow, Starling’ Certified Public Accountants in Greensboro
Helpful Links: https://www.irs.gov/ / http://www.breslowstarling.com/helpful-web-links.php
Have you considered entering the ‘WBFJ Heavenly Cake Contest’??
Entry deadline is September 1, 2023! https://carolinaclassicfair.com/competitive-entries/
There are two divisions: Adult division + Youth division (age 7-17).
*The Carolina Classic Fair runs September 29 – October 08, 2023
The ‘WBFJ Heavenly Cake Contest’ will happen Saturday evening, October 07.