Wednesday Word
(The following account occurred during an out-of-town trip. Any resemblance of or likeness to those living in the Triad is mere coincidence).
There I was – an uninvited guest at a lunchtime gathering of the saints. To say it was a gathering is perhaps a slight twist. It was lunchtime. They were gathered. But not together.
They had done their duty with diligence. No doubt, their Kingdom efforts were outstanding. They had fought the fight and finished their course. Their hoodies and t-shirts proved it. Such an array they were: Kids Club, Tech Team, Hope Givers and God’s Greeters. Together, they could change the world. But, as previously mentioned…they were not together.
Each table of lay ministers seemed completely oblivious to the booth next to it bearing the same constituency. In fact, at times, they went beyond oblivious to rudeness. Now, keep in mind, there is no finger-pointing here because those same three fingers in my direction were right on target as well.
Suffice it to say, that on the good side of things, it was wondrous to see so many representations of the Body who no doubt love the Lord and give freely of their time and talents. Of such is the Kingdom of God.
However, one has to wonder: what if that guy in the blue hoodie from the home church reached out to the ones wearing the gray t-shirts…from “that” church. A little friendly fellowship beyond the confines of our sanctuaries can be a good thing, a very good thing. Good for the workers, good for the churches, good for the community, good for the Kingdom. Let’s do it!