Wednesday Word
Celebrating the Advent Season
The word “Advent” is derived from the Latin word adventus, meaning “coming”. Remembering the arrival or birth of Jesus and anticipating the eventual ‘second coming’ of Christ for his church.
While 90% of Americans do something to celebrate Christmas, fewer than half usually attend church at Christmas. A just-released survey from Lifeway Research found just under half of Americans (47%) say they typically attend church services during the Christmas season, with 48% saying they don’t, and 5% saying they are unsure. Interestingly, those who skip church during the holidays said they are simply awaiting on an invitation. The majority (56%) said they would ‘likely attend’ a religious service if someone invited them during the Christmas season, including 17% who said they were “very likely” to say ‘yes’ to an invitation. https://cbn.com/news/us/how-many-americans-actually-go-church-during-christmas-new-survey-reveals-holiday
In the Gospel of Luke, the birth of Jesus was first announced to the lowly shepherds…
“There were shepherds in the same country staying in the field, and keeping watch by night over their flock. And look, an angel of the Lord stood by them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. The angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for see, I bring you good news of great joy which will be to all the people. For there is born to you, this day, in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ, the Lord. This is the sign to you: you will find a baby wrapped in strips of cloth, lying in a feeding trough.” Suddenly, there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward humankind.”
And it happened that when the angels went away from them into the sky, the shepherds said one to another, “Let us go to Bethlehem, now, and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has made known to us.” They came with haste, and found both Mary and Joseph, and the baby was lying in the feeding trough. When they saw it, they made known the saying which was spoken to them about this child. All who heard it wondered at the things which were spoken to them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these sayings, pondering them in her heart. The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, just as it was told them.” Luke 2: 8-20 (New Heart English Bible)
Share the Good News! A simple invitation to experience the Good News could change a life, forever.
May the reading of scripture and lighting of candles during the Advent season help to keep our focus on Jesus – his birth as well as His second coming – in an ever dark and divided world. Embracing Hope, Love, Joy and Peace during this Advent season and beyond.
‘Go, tell it on the mountain
Over the hills and everywhere
Go, tell it on the mountain
That Jesus Christ is born’