Wednesday Word
A cord of three strands
My family celebrated the first weekend of January 2023 by attending our neice’s wedding celebration in Boomer, south of Wilkesboro. The location was great. The weather was perfect. The celebration joyous.
During the afternoon ceremony, Brooklyn and Josh took time to symbolicly ‘braid” three cords together.
The Bible tells us that “though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12 NIV.
Bible teacher Clarence L. Haynes Jr. writes that the Cord of Three Strands represents God, the groom, and the bride – braiding these three strands symbolizes the joining of one man, one woman, and God in marriage. By keeping the Lord at the center of marriage, God’s love will ‘continue to grow and bind the couple together’. The braided cord is much stronger and harder to break than the three individual cords separately.
Even science helps to explain this Biblical truth proving that “twisted or braided fibers are stronger than the same bundle of fibers that are straight because the cord has more capacity to stretch. It won’t stretch to the same length as the straight fibers, but in exchange the fibers (and the spaces between them) can compress.” This theory can actually be applied to any relationship.
Going back to our beautiful bride and handsome groom. They braid the cords with purpose, together. Showing supporting. Both working together. Both in agreement. Both following God’s plan. Both totally relying on Him. Key word, together. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken…