Wednesday Word
My daughter, Addy, texted me and asked what my favorite Bible verse was. I told her I don’t have one favorite but many favorites. She said I know that is why I am asking you. The one I said to her that I have loved and the Lord used early on in my walk with Him was and is Isaiah 40:31,
but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles;
they shall run and not be weary;
they shall walk and not faint.
Waiting on the Lord was my favorite thing to do as a single, new Christian! I believed that verse and clung to it no matter what I was going through!!!
Fast forward to 2025, life is busy, and more than anything I want to wait on the Lord. But if I am being honest, I am not nearly as good at it as I was when I was a dry sponge soaking in the Lord. When I was single I had a singular vision, now there are so many things to distract me and they are all good but not all God. So, when I started thinking about my word for the year I chose the word thrive. When I looked thrive up in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary it says
: to grow vigorously: flourish – in Jesus
: to gain in wealth or possessions : prosper – in Jesus
: to progress toward or realize a goal despite or because of circumstances – with Jesus
I had no idea how much that connected to Isaiah 40:31!!!! Until I put them side by side!!!! No matter what happens in 2025, I hope you will find me thriving in my relationship with Jesus. You will see me walking not fainting, running not being weary, mounted up on the wings of eagles!!! I hope if you have ever felt weary, you will join me on this thrive journey, too!!!! If you would like to share your thrive journey with me, bonnie@wbfj.fm. I would love to walk with you!!!!
Let’s all decide to thrive in 2025 with Jesus walking with us side by side.
Thank you for your encouragement, love, and ministry partnership!!!!!! We couldn’t do it without you!!!
Love & Blessings,
P.S. Thank you in advance for helping us show love to our area seniors by making cards for Sweetheart Surprise. The boxes are already in our area Lowes Food Stores waiting to be filled. You have until February 9th. Please thank the folks at Lowes when you go by!!!!! Thank you on behalf of the seniors!!!!! They love these cards!