Home Wednesday Word

Wednesday Word



Have you lost your shine? That might become the new  greeting for our generation. 🙂


I am always looking for object lessons in about all  of life’s experiences. My dad was that way and I see the world that way.


My lost shine story goes back a few years before Judy’s mama died. Mema was cleaning out her treasure room and handed me an old grouping of silverware to sell on Ebay.


It had been wrapped up in a drawer not being used–just sitting there turning that yellowish black color. I just cleaned and polished it to it’s original royal glory sheen and sold it or gave it away. End of story.


Crazy thing… I thought about that story on my way home  the other evening. I can’t remember what triggered the memory but I thought of so many  things to PONDER as our brother Darren Stevens used to say.


You can create your list but some  of my thought are:


Most  of us have valuable items we are saving for special occasions that seem to be few and far apart. You might want to go looking in your life’s drawers also. Any spiritual treasures just lying around collecting dust and corrosion?


Take inventory. Look at your dormant treasures.  Has idle storage in darkness reduced the royal sheen to the Father’s precious gifts?


Is it time to come out of the drawer , come clean and Shine? Now is the occasion you have been waiting for….saving your best for.


Word for today is: SHINE!


Papa John


Side note to my other mom:

Mema thanks for sharing your treasures with me and giving me something to share. I still have the best ONE I will cherish forever.


Side comment to side note: I miss your huge lard bisquits and every breakfast food under the sun… and your red pepper collards smoother than ice cream… and your chicken pastry  with the red pepper flakes. Thank you for your service.


The WBFJ Wednesday Word is a weekly email written by the WBFJ Staff. It’s short, simple, encouraging and provides a look behind the microphone to the heart of this ministry and the people that help make it happen.

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