Wednesday Word
Did you know that the Bible mentions this word 387 times?! Someone once told me that when God wants us to focus on something in His word He uses repetition. So, do you think this word is important to Him?
Together – into companionship or close association.
Greetings and Happy New Year to you! I believe I’ve talked here before, at the beginning of a new year, about a word or words that the Lord gives me for the coming year. Holy Spirit delivers it to me every year…all I need do is ask; then wait and listen. After I receive this word (or words), I write it down and post it all around me: at work, on my refrigerator, in the car, etc. It is God’s way of keeping me focused throughout the year on what He desires for me to be focused on.
2024’s word came on New Year’s Eve as the theme of a sermon by my new pastor. Last summer, after much prayer, I decided to start attending church with my family in Greensboro. The pastor is fairly new there as well, having been called in March of last year. In the sermon he focused on the CHURCH, not just our church but the body of Christ. He spoke of how it is so important in this new year, perhaps more than ever, that the BODY functions “Together” as one…supporting and praying for each other and, most importantly, to share the good news with the lost. He used the early church in the book of Acts to illustrate…an awesome example to live by.
This past Sunday I joined the church on “Family Sunday” and will now be “Together” with my family and a church that has already made me feel like family. I am truly blessed. I’m also blessed to be a part of our WBFJ family, which includes our staff and you, our listeners and supporters. “Together” in 2024 we’ll continue to “Encourage, Disciple and Unify the body of Christ, as well as “Evangelizing the Neighborhood for Jesus!”
Thank you, Father, for “Together.” I’ll do my best to stay focused on it this year and beyond. Will you join me friend? After all, everything works better “Together.”
Grace and Peace,