Wednesday Word
Funeral for a Friend
It’s another hot, hot Saturday in July and I find myself on my way to a friend’s funeral. Back in the day, we met each other while working part-time at a local grocery store. We soon became friends, probably saw each other several times a week and played tennis as often as we could. Driving to his funeral today, sadly made me realize, that a part of my past is gone. I’m sure most of you can relate to this sober feeling. Due to the business of life and other factors, connecting was few and far between. However, in the past several years when we did connect, it was like old times, but on a little more mature and spiritual level, which was a good thing.
Earlier this year, we had talked about getting together for lunch, but like a lot of times, it never happened. And then, a few days ago, after years of medical issues, I heard that he had died. Regret? Yes, a little, but I know for a fact that he is now present with the Lord and the promise that I will see him again! I’m so glad that his funeral service reflected his life in Christ, especially his later years, because back 45+ years ago when we were hanging out, neither of us serving the Lord.
Lesson learned here… don’t get too busy that you don’t take time (or make time) to connect with family and friends. We are all guilty of this, some more than others. Do it even if it is an inconvenience. Good chance you won’t regret it. As scripture says in James 4: “our lives are but a vapor.” Tomorrow isn’t promised nor do we know what tomorrow holds.
Rest high George!