Home Epic Love Story

Epic Love Story

January 12, 2025

Utilizing the power of music with scripture memorization!

Beverly Moser, founder of ‘Epic Love Story’, shares more about this God-inspired project – setting the Bible to song, utilizing contributors worldwide – to infuse hope and healing to the nations.

Combining scripture, popular genres of music and social media to share the Gospel.

Listen to our interview…

In phase one, 66 songs will be released, each featuring a passage from the 66 books of the Bible to tell its overall ‘epic love story’.

The first two songs were released in 2023: “Sovereign Lord” (Habakkuk 3:17-19) and “Priests” (Exodus 19:4-6).

Embracing the main message of 1 Corinthians 13, that LOVE is the greatest gift of all, and that it should be the priority of every Christian.  Listen and learn more at epiclovestory.org/

*Epic Love Story is our WBFJ Ministry of the Month for January 2025.   As heard on Sunday @ 5 on WBFJ (January 12, 2025)


The WBFJ Wednesday Word is a weekly email written by the WBFJ Staff. It’s short, simple, encouraging and provides a look behind the microphone to the heart of this ministry and the people that help make it happen.

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