Friday News for January 10, 2025
Winter Storm Warning for the Piedmont Triad through Saturday morning. Snow arriving later this afternoon. Snow accumulation 2 to 4 inches possible overnight. Below normal temperatures continue through the weekend into next week.
*Listen to WBFJ for winter weather updates from the National Weather Service.
Winter Weather Updates…
Marketplace Cinemas in Winston-Salem offering day-time “Snow-times”?
They will be closing early this evening ‘for the safety of staff and customers’!
Note: Saturday Snow-times (movie showings) will be determined based parking lot and road conditions! Please check their Facebook page for updates through the weekend.
The Elkin Farmers Market will be CLOSED this Saturday due to the weather.
*Thanks to Kevin Campbell for the update. https://www.facebook.com/elkinfarmersmarket/
(Raleigh) Inauguration events planned for this weekend have been cancelled due to the upcoming winter storm. North Carolina Governor-elect Josh Stein will still give his inaugural address this Saturday morning at 11am. The speech will be Live-streamed on PBS NC (public television). FYI: The Council of State Reception, Inaugural Ball and ‘block party’ will be rescheduled at a later date.
Safety Tip: With bitter cold temperatures, many of us are using small space heaters.
If so, DO NOT plug them into a power strip. Multi-plug power strips are not designed to handle the energy load of a space heater and can overheat – causing a fire hazard.
AAA: Winter Weather Prep
Are your car tires are properly inflated? Cold weather reduces air pressure quicker.
Check your car battery! Take advantage of ‘free battery checks’ at local auto supply, especially if your battery is over 3 years old.www.weather.gov/rnk/NCWinterWxPreparedness2023
Two weeks after a cyber-attack took down much of Winston-Salem’s online infrastructure, city officials still don’t know when services will be restored.
The incident shut down the online utility bill pay system and CityLink phone service on December 26. CityLink is still available via online chat or text message.
NOTE: The city of Winston-Salem is pausing utility late fees and service disconnections due to the incident.
Texas-based burger chain Whataburger is coming to North Carolina and they are building four locations in the Triad – Winston-Salem, High Point, Archdale and Greensboro. Fox 8
Do you have a Big Lots gift card? The company is stressing to use it before next Thursday (January 16) due to the store’s liquidation process. -Press Release
The Girl Scouts are retiring two cookie flavors next year: S’mores and Toast-Yay!
Don’t worry, your Thin Mints are safe! www.npr.org/2025/01/08/nx-s1-5252542/girl-scout-cookies
CrossRoad Radio: Re-Launch for 2025
Dave is bringing a more balanced mix of music into the New Year…
Listen every Friday night and Saturday night from 10-1am only on WBFJ-FM.
The search continues for Mr Kim Whitehurst, the 69 year old white male, who was last seen leaving his residence on Reynolda Road early Sunday morning (Jan 5).
Tip Line: 336-773-7700 or Crime Stoppers at 336-727-2800.
Whitehurst, who suffers from cognitive impairments, was last seen wearing a brown jacket, white T-shirt, black sweatpants, white socks, gray slides and glasses.
*Praying for Mr Whitehurst’s safe return. https://journalnow.com/news/local/
Tips: Simple things that help us all stay healthy
#1 = Wash your hands frequently.
*If you do feel sick, stay home if possible. Avoid large crowds or wear a mask to prevent spreading any illness. *And consult your healthcare professional about vaccinations.
The HanesBrands retail location at Thruway shopping center in Winston-Salem is CLOSING at the end of the month (January 25).
Please pray for store employees that will be looking for other employment.
‘Jesus Calling’ by Sarah Young…
When I think about the tough days I’ve had in the past, I can see that You (O Lord) helped me through each and every one. When a new problem pops up, though, I sometimes wonder if You’ll help me this time. I need to toss those kinds of thoughts and doubts out the window!
*Acts 17:27-28 encourages us that God is faithful…
“God has done all this, so that we will look for Him and reach out and find Him. He isn’t far from any of us, and He gives us the power to live, to move, and to be who we are. “We are his children…”