Home Everyone deserves to be counted

Everyone deserves to be counted

The Point-in-Time (PIT) Count is a counting of sheltered and unsheltered people experiencing homelessness on a single night in January.

Starting Wednesday evening (Jan 29) through February 4th, organizations and street outreach teams across the Triad will be connecting with individuals experiencing homelessness to help them get counted and provide them with a resource bag.

BTW: Winston-Salem saw a 58% increase in the number of people living on the streets in 2024.

*Volunteer opportunities in Winston-Salem, Greensboro and Lexington 

DC Connect (a program of Davidson Medical Ministries) is coordinating the local homeless count in Davidson County. Individuals wishing to be counted or wanting to volunteer can contact DC Connect by phone at 336-243-3222 or by email at dcconncectinc@medicalministries.org


The Guilford County Point-In-Time Count begins this evening (Jan 29).



In Winston-Salem: Volunteers are asked to meet at the Sims Recreation Center starting Wednesday evening. Volunteers will work in shifts from 6pm – 9pm and from 9pm – 11pm.





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