Home “Fall Color Guy”

“Fall Color Guy”

Fall officially begins Saturday, September 23, 2023

Dr Howie Neufeld, professor of Biology at App State University in Boone, aka the “Fall Color Guy” shares with Verne (WBFJ radio) his prediction for the upcoming ‘Fall color season’ based on the weather conditions in the High Country over the past several months along with the latest weather trends.

Latest Fall Foliage report: www.facebook.com/FallColorGuy/
Fall Color Info (including the ‘science’ behind the changing of leaves) biology.appstate.edu/fall-colors

*Listen for weekly Fall foliage reports from Professor Howie Neufeld aka the “Fall Color Guy” now thru the end of October each Friday morning (6:50am) on WBFJ!

*As heard on Sunday @ 5 on WBFJ (Sept 24, 2023)


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