Heavenly Cakes
WBFJ Heavenly Cake Night
Coordinator: Steve Rogers
Asst. Coordinator: Tina Rogers
Bring to Yesterday Village Pavilion
Friday, October 11 between 5:45 pm and 6:45 pm
Judging will begin promptly at 7:00 pm
Cakes are always a treat at church potlucks, and popular with all ages. Bring your
favorite cake that your family and church friends are crazy about, and enter it at
the Carolina Classic Fair.
Judging Criteria
Taste: 40 points Texture: 30 points Appearance: 30 points
Contest Specific Rules
Must be original recipe. May be any type of cake. Cup cakes – (12), Cake Pops –
(12) Sheet cake or layer cake. All cake must be iced. No cake shall have ready
mixes of any kind including the icing.
Same rules apply for WBFJ Heavenly Cake Night Youth division (ages 7-17.)
See General rules on page 171.Department S6 – Section 110 – WBFJ Heavenly Cake Night
Premiums: 1st: $300 2nd: $125 3rd: $100 4th: $75
1 WBFJ Heavenly Cake Night (Adults)
Premiums: 1st: $125 2nd: $75 3rd: $50
2 WBFJ Heavenly Cake Night (Youth 7-17)
CLICK HERE TO ENTER: https://carolinaclassicfair.com/competitive-entries/