June 14 is Flag Day
June 14 is Flag Day.
A day to fly the American flag, with reverence and honor.
June 14, 1777– commemorates the adoption of a single flag by resolution of the Second Continental Congress, to unite the Continental Army under one common flag
US Flag Facts
-There have been 27 versions of the American Flag.
-Federal law suggests that the US flag should be displayed from sunrise to sunset (unless there’s inclement weather). However, you can fly ‘old glory’ with proper illumination (or lighting) of the flag so it can be seen in the dark.
-The flag can touch the ground and still be used? True. There is a myth that once a flag touches the ground it needs to be burned or disposed of. That’s not entirely true. If a flag is soiled or touches the ground, it can be washed (or dry cleaned) and used again!
-Five American Flags have made it to the moon.
Meaning of the ‘Stars and Stripes’…
The stripes represent the original 13 Colonies and the stars represent the 50 states of the Union. The colors of the flag are symbolic as well;
red symbolizes hardiness and valor, white symbolizes purity and innocence, and blue represents vigilance, perseverance and justice.
(Opinion) Conservative broadcaster Glenn Beck suggests that Flag day is just as important as the Fourth of July…
“While July 4th celebrates our declaration of independence from tyranny and Memorial Day honors those who have given their lives to preserve our freedom, Flag Day reminds us that, though diverse (and different as we may be), we are one nation (under God). That was, after all, the purpose of the flag—to unify individual colonies and inspire them to ‘fight’ together.
Today Americans seem to fight more among themselves than together. Our hope is that this Flag Day we will remember that no matter our political affiliation, religious beliefs or social positions we all fly under the same flag – as Americans.”