Home News: Wednesday, March 01, 2023

News: Wednesday, March 01, 2023

Above normal temperatures for your first day of March 😊


Spring is in the air.

   ‘Tree pollen levels’ in the HIGH range for Wednesday.                 



Update: West Gate City Boulevard remains CLOSED in both directions between Merritt Drive and Romaine Street due to an overnight accident. According to WXII 12, power lines are down in the area, and the road will remain closed through the late Wednesday afternoon while Duke Energy makes repairs.

Greensboro Police said a crash on West Gate City Boulevard earlier this morning left one person dead and another person hurt. Two of the people in the front of the car were thrown from the vehicle. One of them died, and the other had serious injuries, according to police. www.wxii12.com/article/north-carolina-greensboro-west-gate-city-boulevard-closed/43136721


Black Mountain Chocolate is closing (for good) on March 11.

In the post, the company indicated that it wasn’t doing enough business to stay open.

Black Mountain Chocolate was founded in Black Mountain, but it moved to Winston-Salem in 2014 after Brent and Millie Peters bought the company.

BTW: In January 2021, Black Mountain moved from its first Winston-Salem location, at 732 N. Trade St., into a much larger space at 450 N. Patterson Ave. in Innovation Quarter – making it the first retail business in the Bailey South building.



Gameday staff needed! Winston-Salem Dash Job Fair

happening this Thursday, March 2 from 5-7pm or Saturday, March 4 from 10am-12pm

You can also apply online https://atmilb.com/3GNCOzh


Need to talk to a lawyer, for FREE?

Lawyers across the state are volunteering their time and talents providing free legal information (by phone) this Friday (March 3).

If you have questions about child custody, employment, housing issues, wills, probate, taxes, whatever. Call this 336-355-6262 between 11 am- 7 pm this Friday.

*4ALL Statewide Day of Service is sponsored by the North Carolina Bar Association and Foundationwww.wfmynews2.com/article/news/local/need-to-talk-to-a-lawyer-you-can-for-free-during-4all-service-day-nc-north-carolina-bar-association-foundation-information-march-4/83-4fb8485f


Good News at the Pumps.  AAA: Regular unleaded below $3 dollars a gallon across most of the Triad.  https://gasprices.aaa.com/?state=NC


What to Buy in March for the Best (seasonal) Deals

Outdoor Furniture and Grills

Winter Clothing

Winter Sports Equipment

Vacuums & Small Kitchen Appliances

Gardening Supplies

Floor sample mattresses





Spotlighting the number 57 today 😊 in celebration of Verne’s 57th birthday!  The famous number 57 on every bottle of Heinz Ketchup is all a lie. When H.J. Heinz came up with the “57 varieties” slogan more than 100 years ago, the company did not have 57 Heinz varieties. The inspiration actually came during a trip to New York City when he saw an ad for 21 styles of shoes.  https://www.cbsnews.com/pittsburgh/news/heinz-made-up-famous-number-57/

In the first storyboard draft for Pixar’s film ‘Cars’, the main character, a race car named Lightning McQueen was going to have number 57 as his racing number (a nod to director John Lasseter’s birthdate, January 12, 1957). But in the final cut, Lightning’s racing number changed to 95.  https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/WhatCouldHaveBeen/Cars


Other news headlines

The Biden White House has banned the use of the Chinese social media app Tik Tok on all federal phones, citing its potential to collect data and spy on Americans. Federal agencies have 30 days to remove the app.


President Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan could be in trouble, according to observers at the Supreme Court Tuesday. Justices from the court’s 6-3 conservative majority asked tough questions regarding the plan’s constitutionality.


Chicago’s incumbent Mayor Lori Lightfoot, who was billed as an underdog reformer when she was elected in 2019, lost her bid for re-election Tuesday after she failed to qualify for a runoff between the top two candidates.


The WBFJ Wednesday Word is a weekly email written by the WBFJ Staff. It’s short, simple, encouraging and provides a look behind the microphone to the heart of this ministry and the people that help make it happen.

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