Home Prayer Guide for Fathers (CBN)

Prayer Guide for Fathers (CBN)

We LOVE fathers!

As Father’s Day approaches, we want to honor the men who have exemplified biblical fatherhood through prayer. We’ve created a comprehensive prayer guide just for you, and it’s available now from CBN for free!

Whether they are our biological dads, spiritual fathers, or men who have played significant roles in our lives, they all have a crucial part to play. God has entrusted them to be godly leaders of their homes and communities. Your prayers help encourage them to step into this role with strength and grace.

God calls men to an important role as a father or father-like figure. He has called men to be the godly leaders of their homes, to be loving, strong protectors of their families. Godly men are great examples of God’s love for us, whether they are biological fathers or play that role in our life. We celebrate what God’s design is for men and want to encourage and pray for all men to step deeper into their roles.

This guide is not just a collection of prayers but a unique and comprehensive tool designed to deepen your connection with God. It’s tailored specifically to help guide you in intercessory prayer for influential men in your life.

Prayer Guide for Fathers                                                            Download this timely resource now and experience the transformative power of prayer!   https://www2.cbn.com/resources/booklet/prayer-guide-fathers?utm_source




The WBFJ Wednesday Word is a weekly email written by the WBFJ Staff. It’s short, simple, encouraging and provides a look behind the microphone to the heart of this ministry and the people that help make it happen.

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