Prepping for COLD weather
Bundle up!
Wear extra layers of clothing when going outside. Don’t forget your hat and gloves.
Home: Keep portable heaters at least 3 feet away from furniture and drapes.
Pets: Good rule of thumb: “If it’s too cold for you, it’s too cold for them”.
AAA: Winter Weather Prep
Know where your ice scraper is!!!!!
Make certain your tires are properly inflated.
Cold weather reduces air pressure quicker.
Check your car battery!
Take advantage of ‘free battery checks’ at local auto supply stores, especially if your battery is over 3 years old.
Winter Driving Tip: Steer your car into a skid.
If your vehicle loses traction and begins to skid, steer the front tires into the direction of the skid. Slow down! Driving at slower speeds will help you recover from a skid.
*Never hit your brakes in icy weather (tap them).