Pro-Life victory for NC on Tuesday!
Update: Republican lawmakers in Raleigh had enough votes to ‘over-ride’ the Governor’s veto of a major pro-life bill (SB-20) on Tuesday (May 16, 2023).
The new law will save thousands of unborn lives while providing resources and support for women and families facing unplanned, crisis pregnancies. A primary provision of the bill will reduce the legal timeframe for most abortions in North Carolina from 20 weeks of gestation to 12 weeks (with some exceptions).
The new law goes into effect July 1st.
Read more at https://www.ncfamily.org/nc-general-assembly-overrides-veto-enacts-major-pro-life-bill/
NOTE: Since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last June, North Carolina has (unfortunately) become a top destination for those seeking abortions, with many coming from surrounding states that have tighter restrictions in place. In the months after Roe was overturned, the number of abortions performed in North Carolina increased 37% –the highest percentage increase of abortions of any state in the country.www.baptistpress.com/resource-library/news/baptist-leaders-call-on-n-c-lawmakers-to-override-impending-veto-of-12-week-abortion-ban/