Hope Radio
Evan Drake and Adam Drake share more with Verne (WBFJ) about Hope Radio, a Christian radio ministry in northern Togo, West Africa. The father and son team(along with their families) serve TOGETHER in Mango, Togo. The Drakes call Winston-Salem and Salem Baptist church ‘home’, when not on the mission field in west Africa. Connect with the Drakes: hoperadiotogo.com/missionaries/
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Changing Lives with the HOPE of Christ. Hope Radio is a partnership of ABWE and Missioserve.
ABWE (Association of Baptists for World Evangelism) www.abwe.org/about
MISSIOserve missioserve.org/
Adam and Faith along with their four children are serving in Togo. Adam is the Director of Outreach Ministries for Hope Radio in northern Togo.
Evan and his wife Joy are involved in leadership training and church planting in northern Togo. Evan is the Program Director with Hope Radio, creating a variety of Biblical programs that are translated and aired in Northern Togo.
*As heard on Sunday @ 5 on WBFJ (January 15, 2023)